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How to make your company anniversary newsworthy

It’s time to put the public back into public relations. Public relations is much more than media relations. It’s also social and web media. One of the more notable ways – especially in the eyes of the executive team, founders, and even employees – to share your company is celebrating your company’s anniversary milestone.


We aren’t talking about your third anniversary or 27th anniversary. Many companies make it to an initial milestone anniversary, and if you celebrate it, then you must find different ways to highlight you, your executive team, and your company and its accomplishments. Take it one step further and find ways to uniquely include the media, community, etc. When celebrating your company’s anniversary, don’t forget about employees, the community, vendors, suppliers, strategic partners, deserving nonprofit organizations that are strategically aligned with your industry, or products and services. 

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Topics: PR tips, shared media, owned media, social media, web media

Dealing with obsolete platforms and links

Make sure your audience sees the best of your company on all platforms.


Content is vital in the world of online public relations, especially since it’s the cornerstone of all online PR efforts. Great content can elevate your company in a way that makes it just as powerful as classic public relations content, such as interviews or being a guest speaker at a major industry conference.


However, you need a place to put content somewhere, and that “somewhere” is platforms. Platforms can be social media websites like Facebook and Instagram or your own site. But trends can change, and platforms that looked like they had potential a few years ago can be dead in the water. This can cause problems, as users will be seeing old and out-of-date content that might not no longer reflect your company’s current views and stances, which can easily damper your online PR.

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Topics: online public relations, shared media, owned media, social media, web media

What are the different types of media?

A guide to the five types of media your company needs


Before diving head-first into the different types of media, it’s important to first dip your toes in the water and learn what media is. Media is a communication tool used to deliver information. The three types of media are commonly known as news media, social media, and web media, but you might also see them referred to as earned media, shared media, and owned media. 


Some other forms of modern media are print media, television, movies, and video games. 

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Topics: shared media, earned media, owned media, social media, news media, web media

Four ways to speed up your company’s website

Less page requests can mean more traffic


How many times have you visited a website and found it slow to load? Is your own company’s website also one that tends to drag as it loads? A website that is slow to load negatively impacts the user – your client’s – experience. It can impact the overall experience so much that prospective clients may leave your site and go find or fill their needs elsewhere. 


You ask yourself (and your IT team) why this is happening. Most likely it’s not because your internet speed isn’t good but rather because there are too many page requests or hypertext transfer protocol requests. 

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Topics: web design & development, owned media, web media

What is a CTA, and why is it significant?

The term CTA is often used when discussing media pitches, website engagement, and social media marketing. For such an important term in the public relations and marketing industry, many people don’t know what CTA stands for or its importance, so let’s break it down. 


CTA stands for call to action. It originates from the marketing industry, referring to a piece of content in the form of an image, specific text, or website button.


The use of this particular content was intended to elicit a specific action from the viewer. It was typically created as a way to provide direction or instruction, such as “sign up here,” “buy now,” “follow,” etc.

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Topics: PR tips, owned media, web media

Four reasons why WordPress is not for company websites

WordPress might be the most popular content management system, yet it’s not the best for company websites. There are smarter, safer platforms available that offer the perks of WordPress without the hassle and risk.

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Topics: web design & development, web media

What is SERP? Search Engine Results Page Explained.

SERP is a buzzword used in the digital marketing space. Do you know what it means?


Search Engine Results Page is the web page rendered by search engines like Google to the searchers with a list of relevant URLs answering their search queries.


The search engine algorithm walks through millions of websites to generate the SERP with best-matching results. The idea is to present search results that are in close sync with the user’s search intent.


Every search engine has a unique algorithm and displays two primary types of search results on the SERP.

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Topics: SEO, web media

4 reasons why your company should have its own podcast

Podcasting continues to be one of the fastest-growing media platforms. Podcasts provide entertainment, education, and much more. They’re an efficient way to consume information (you can listen anytime and while you do other things), and they’re relatively easy to produce. By now, you’ve probably listened to a podcast or overheard someone describing one. You may even have several that you listen to regularly. 

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Topics: social media, web media

What's the difference between on-site and off-site search engine optimization?

When analyzing a webpage for ranking, search engine algorithms look into what the page is about and how popular or authoritative its website and domain are. 

A website ranks for all the factors present on it, including content, keywords, meta title and description, videos, and images. Off-site factors, like backlinks, social signals, and outreach, determine how high it will rank on the search engine results pages (SERP).

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Topics: SEO, web media

What's the difference between a drip and a nurture email campaign?

While they sound similar, drip and nurture email campaigns are very different. Before deciding between the two, you should understand their differences so you choose the right campaign for your marketing goals.

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Topics: inbound marketing, web media

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