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The Video Conference Era: Boost press release engagement with multimedia

Capitalize on the virtual world’s potential for enhancing PR announcements and interactions.


A decade ago, press releases were almost exclusively held in brick-and-mortar locations with physical participants. As the digital landscape evolved, the press releas went online and many syndication platforms emerged for ease of use. Today, video conferencing is paving the way for a more effective and far-reaching result. 

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Topics: PR tips, press conferences

Do clever or straightforward subject lines receive better open rates?

Data shows that straightforward email subject lines outperform the clever ones for open and click-through rates.


The subject line of your email can either make or break the perfect email pitch, and whether or not your message is opened. With millions of pitches sent to journalists daily, standing out is crucial. But should your subject line be clever enough to grab attention or straightforward enough to clearly convey your pitch?

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Topics: PR tips

Should your company send out newsletters to your clients?

How to know if newsletter marketing is the right content marketing strategy for your company and tips to get you started.


Newsletter marketing is an effective way to move the needle on business development objectives such as finding new clients, growing relationships with existing ones, securing new partnerships in the space or credentialing yourself as a stronger thought leader in the industry.

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Topics: digital PR, PR tips

The difference between communications and communication in PR

Industry professionals should stop using these two words interchangeably.


A “communications strategy” or a “communication strategy.”  Your company’s “corporate communications department” or “corporate communication department.” 


It’s all the same, isn’t it? Not exactly.

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Topics: PR tips

How PR pros are using text replacement tools to save time

Streamline the pitching process and other workflows with smarter tools.


In the fast-paced world of public relations, every second counts. Finding ways to maximize efficiency while maintaining high-quality work is essential, which is why text replacement has emerged as an invaluable time-saving tool for PR pros pitching media.

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Topics: PR tips, copy editing

Marketing for Memorial Day

Understand the meaning of Memorial Day so your company doesn’t make a faux pas.


Companies often view national holidays as a way to connect with consumers and tie themselves to a national story. Sometimes this is done tastefully; other times, however, it leaves the consumer with a bad taste in their mouth. Due to current trends in our culture and marketing saturation, the original purpose of a holiday can be overlooked. The national “holiday” of Memorial Day is one that’s meaning has been lost in celebration. 

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Topics: PR tips

11 best practices for an effective email subject line

Grab journalists' attention, spark engagement, and get your messages opened with these tips.


Getting the attention of a busy journalist is the first and most crucial step to ensuring your message stands a chance against the competition to earn media coverage. With some strategic planning and tested best practices, you can craft email subject lines that grab attention and get your pitch past the first step. 


Here are 11 tips for writing email subject lines and templates that will ensure your email is opened and read:

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Topics: PR tips, copy editing

If sales is like dating, so is public relations

Craft better stories and connections through shared interests, listening, and adapting.


The process of sales is commonly compared to the journey of dating. The goals are similar: make a meaningful connection, demonstrate value, and build loyalty to lead to a longer-term relationship. The courtship activities involved in PR outreach parallel these dating rituals. 

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Topics: PR tips

Playing the PR Game to Win: The Value of Smart PR

    1. 2023’s Biggest Moments in PR
    2. Public companies face stricter rules with ESG reporting.
    3. 60-Second Close: The Value of Smart PR

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Topics: PR tips, 60-Second Impact

Communications is not communication: Where does PR fit in?

Should PR pros rethink industry degrees, departments, and job titles?


Many organizations interchange “communication” and “communications” in department names, job titles, and agency branding. However, there is an important distinction between these two terms business leaders and industry professionals often overlook.

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Topics: PR tips, corporate communications, communications

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