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Why does your company need an effective announcement timeline?

To maintain client and consumer trust, your company must establish a timeline and game plan for making announcements.


For executives, seamless company news announcements are imperative for success, whether about company acquisitions or key new hires. A misstep in a news announcement can make clients and employees feel frustrated and lose trust. Here are some of our stories and recommendations for creating successful company announcement timelines.

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Topics: product launch

Don’t forget the consumer when doing PR for a new product

Forgetting how your service can help a consumer can cost you when launching a new product


Let’s say your company has made and rolled out a new product. Everything looks great on your end, but people aren’t buying it for some reason. The product is well reviewed by the people buying it, and there aren’t any deficiencies that would draw ire from consumers, so it’s not the product itself causing the lack of sales. You just don’t know what’s causing this.


One big issue that could be causing this problem: In your enthusiasm for developing and marketing, your company forgot to create context for your product to directly tell consumers how it can help them.

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Topics: PR tips, product launch

So you want coverage on your product?

2 ways to make sure you have products and experts available in large media cities

National media outlets are largely located in New York City, Los Angeles, and Atlanta, with other key markets including Chicago, Dallas, and Philadelphia. Each week, editors and editorial assistants receive hundreds of products and goods from companies hoping for a feature in their publications. For many companies, the ability to ship their products to New York City and Los Angeles for a review, feature, or brief results in coverage in major national outlets.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, product launch



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