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Strategize now to secure future wins

  1. Build a fourth-quarter plan like the NFL
  2. Billionaire buy-ins: Invest in stakeholder strategies 
  3. 60-second close: Opportunity favors pros who prepare

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Topics: corporate communications, B2B, 60-Second Impact

How communications professionals shape business success

Insights on the world of AI and human-centric ways to utilize it for business strategies.


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Topics: corporate communications, On Top of PR

9 ways OpenAI could have responded to unfolding crisis

PR professionals can learn something from the abrupt departure, and reinstatement, of OpenAI’s CEO.


OpenAI faced a pivotal moment when CEO Sam Altman’s abrupt departure led to mass employee protests — the company he founded has now reinstated him. Organizations facing crisis risk instability if they don’t handle situations promptly and correctly. 


Drawing from crisis management best practices, here are the key next steps for OpenAI:

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Topics: crisis communications, corporate communications

The ROI of LOL with Steve Cody

In this episode, Steve Cody joins On Top of PR host Jason Mudd to discuss Steve’s book, “The ROI of LOL,” and how effective comedy within the workplace is.


Tune in to learn more!

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Topics: corporate communications, On Top of PR

Communications is not communication: Where does PR fit in?

Should PR pros rethink industry degrees, departments, and job titles?


Many organizations interchange “communication” and “communications” in department names, job titles, and agency branding. However, there is an important distinction between these two terms business leaders and industry professionals often overlook.

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Topics: PR tips, corporate communications, communications

4 ways to present your corporation as grateful to its shareholders

A LinkedIn poll revealed corporations have a negative public image. How can you change that for your organization?


On a LinkedIn poll, Axia Public Relations CEO Jason Mudd asked if corporations exist merely to generate a profit or are beholden to stakeholders. The results showed 82% of respondents thought corporations only exist to maximize profits, while 18% thought corporations were beholden to stakeholders. 

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Topics: corporate communications, internal communications

The Importance Of Collaboration Between Your Public Relations Team and Your Investor Relations Team

Collaboration between public relations and investor relations teams is critical for any business success in today's market. 


PR is responsible for managing a company's reputation with the public, while IR handles communication with investors and financial analysts. While these two teams have different roles and responsibilities, they share a common goal: to ensure the success of the company.

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Topics: PR tips, corporate communications

Using procurement to find a PR agency with Leah Power

In this episode, Leah Power joins host Jason Mudd to discuss best practices for using procurement with a PR, marketing, or communications agency. Together, they discuss the difficulties with in-house agencies, why brands hire outside agencies, and when to use procurement when using an outside agency.


Tune in to learn more!

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Topics: PR tips, corporate communications, On Top of PR

4 lessons in empathy from Ted Lasso with Mark Mohammadpour, CEO of Chasing the Sun

In this episode, Mark Mohammadpour, CEO of Chasing the Sun, joins host Jason Mudd to discuss four lessons of empathy taken from the hit TV series “Ted Lasso.” Mark refers to four lessons we can learn from the series and tips for implementing these lessons into your work and work environment. 


Tune in to learn more!

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Topics: corporate communications, On Top of PR

Corporate communications with Matt Hurst, VP of communications at Nielsen

In this episode, Matt Hurst, VP of Nielsen Communications, joins host Jason Mudd to discuss corporate communications. Tune in to learn more about Andy Jassy’s three-hour-long keynote speech, working with busy executives, how to produce meaningful keynote speeches, tips on crisis communications, and much more!

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Topics: corporate communications, On Top of PR

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