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How social media and ‘word of mouth’ sources are reshaping local news

Young Americans are embracing neighborhood updates from friends, family, and online forums.


While television and newspapers have long been Americans' go-to sources for local news, new data shows that interpersonal channels like word-of-mouth and social media are growing in importance. A 2024 Pew Research Center report finds that these tech-enabled pathways now rival traditional outlets' roles in local news dissemination.

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Topics: shared media, earned media, social media, news media

PR pitfalls and peaks: Staying agile

  1. OpenAI unveils new chat
  2. PR blunder: Starbucks blames customers 
  3. Bumble blunders with anti-celibacy ad
  4. Social media updates to watch
  5. 60-second close: Reaching peaks and avoiding PR pitfalls

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Topics: shared media, social media, 60-Second Impact

What is social proof, and how is it used in PR?

Harnessing the psychology of social validation.


Social proof refers to the psychological phenomenon where people look to the behavior and actions of others to help guide their own behavior and attitudes.


In public relations, building social proof can be key to driving interest, establishing credibility, and prompting action from target audiences. When it comes to influencing public perception and attitudes, social proof is one of the most potent tools available. 

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Topics: shared media, social media

Moving from Chaos to Directed PR Strategy

  1. What the EU AI Act Means for Corporate Communication
  2. How Reddit Went from Unmoderated Mess to a Hot Social Platform
  3. 60-Second Close: Moving from Chaos to Directed PR Strategy

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Topics: shared media, social media, 60-Second Impact, artificial intelligence

Why your social media isn’t working

In this episode, Holly Bishop joins On Top of PR host Jason Mudd to discuss why your company's social media isn’t working. She and Jason go into depth about how to avoid burnout for social media professionals, how to improve social media content, and why community engagement is so important.


Tune in to learn more!

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Topics: shared media, social media, On Top of PR

What the rise of Threads has taught us about emerging social media platforms

Explore the key takeaways for B2B companies using Threads and what industry experts have to say.


Social media is a tricky medium for B2B companies to navigate and decide what to latch onto versus what will be a passing fascination. And the most rattling fad over the last few months for companies across industries has been the launch of Threads — the copy-based app launched by Meta to rival X (formerly Twitter).


How should you incorporate Threads into your social strategy? Should your company prioritize it at all? Do you leave X or post across both platforms? What type of content drives engagement on the platform?

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Topics: digital PR, shared media, social media

7 steps to boost your brand's visibility to generate leads

Learn how to earn brand recognition and encourage new leads through PR.


Attracting public attention is one thing, but maintaining it — let alone in a positive manner — is another.


To survive in the cut-throat marketing world, brands must understand how to stand out. However, it’s also vital to reach a level of visibility that withstands the test of time, no matter what trends come and go along the way.


Boosting brand visibility has always been a cornerstone of marketing strategy. However, as the global market grows more saturated, this goal becomes increasingly challenging. 

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Topics: branding, shared media, social media

Putting the Relationships Back in Public Relations

  1. DMs: the New Promised Land for PR Pros
  2. PR Ethics In an Age of Weight Loss Drug Pushing
  3. 60-Second Close: Putting the Relationships Back in Public Relations

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Topics: shared media, social media, 60-Second Impact

How to use short-form video to maximize social media engagement

The average American spends over two hours a day on social media. How many 30-second videos have you scrolled through on social media today? If you use the popular social media platforms, we’d guess likely over 200. 


Short-form videos are taking over social media. YouTube and TikTok started this short-form video phenomenon, which soon expanded with Instagram Reels. Who knows what’s next? Regardless, it's clear that short-form videos are here to stay and are as important as ever. It might be time to learn more about them! 

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Topics: shared media, social media

How to leverage a one-person social media team with Jacob Shipley

In this episode, Jacob Shipley joins On Top of PR host Jason Mudd to discuss how a one-person social media team works, as well as some social media tips, tricks, and trends.


Tune in to learn more!

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Topics: shared media, social media, On Top of PR

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