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How to use media relations strategically to boost SEO

To improve your company's SEO, leverage media placements to build credible backlinks, anchor text, and website authority.


As a PR professional, you may not consider yourself a search engine optimization expert. By understanding some basics, however, you can leverage your media relations skills to help boost your brand’s SEO — driving more qualified traffic to your site and positioning you as an authority in your space.

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Topics: media relations, SEO

How to use Google Autocomplete for SEO

Google Autocomplete is one of the best tools your company can use to drive traffic and perfect SEO strategy.


Google's autocomplete feature has become an invaluable part of the search experience, providing predicted search queries as users type. But it also presents unique SEO opportunities for brands. 


In this complete guide, you’ll learn what Autocomplete is, how it works, why it matters for SEO, and how you can optimize for it.

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Topics: SEO, autocomplete

How to use Google Autocomplete for SEO

Google Autocomplete is one of the best tools your company can use to drive traffic and perfect SEO strategy.


Google's autocomplete feature has become an invaluable part of the search experience, providing predicted search queries as users type. But it also presents unique SEO opportunities for brands. 


In this complete guide, you’ll learn what Autocomplete is, how it works, why it matters for SEO, and how you can optimize for it.

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Topics: SEO, web marketing, owned media, web media

6 ways to improve keyword research to boost SEO

Follow these six steps when developing your SEO strategy to improve your company’s visibility and authority online.


Without proper and intentional search engine optimization, your company’s website won’t reach the visibility you need to establish brand authority. To create a successful SEO strategy, follow these six SEO tips:

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Topics: digital PR, SEO

10 steps to choose the right keywords for SEO

While keyword research takes time, it's worth the effort.


Finding the right keywords is crucial for effective search engine optimization (SEO) and driving traffic to your website. Doing keyword research properly takes time and effort, but the results are worth it.

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Topics: SEO, owned media, web media

How do search results pages rank content?

Improve your company's digital visibility through the discovery, relevance, and authority stages.


Search engine optimization is a valuable asset to your company and its online presence. To establish a company website with a lot of digital traffic, you need to know how to optimize your content for search engines. You can improve your company’s website and its visibility in three simple stages: discoverability, relevance, and authority.

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Topics: SEO, owned media, web media

How to use Google’s EEAT for quality online content

Experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trust will boost your content marketing strategy.


Producing high-quality online content is a vital yet challenging part of content marketing. To cut through the competition of billions of web pages, use EEAT. The acronym stands for experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness and acts as the set of criteria search engines use to evaluate content quality and usefulness.

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Topics: SEO, owned media, web media

How to use Google Autocomplete for higher search authority

Strategically optimize for autocomplete to boost your website traffic and convert more leads online.


Google's autocomplete search predictions operate like free advertising space on the world's most popular search engine. When relevant keyword phrases pop up in the user’s search, companies receive prime visibility to countless people. For any organization, a high ranking in autocomplete results can be transformational, funneling customers straight to your website. 

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Topics: digital PR, SEO, PR tips

The SEO impact of commercial newswire releases

Commercial newswire news releases may be an asset, but they must be used judiciously.


Companies often use commercial newswire services to distribute news releases with the goal of securing media placement and reaching a wider audience. But do these paid distribution services actually help with search engine optimization? The short answer is yes, but there are caveats.

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Topics: SEO, earned media, news media

Blogging isn't boring — it's impactful

Blogging helps your business grow SEO and generate leads.


What’s the first word you think of when you hear the word blogging? Is it boring? If so, you’re not alone. Corporate communications, marketing, public relations and business leaders tend to consider blogging boring and a waste of resources. That’s not the case, though. Blogging has multiple benefits for your company, including increased search engine optimization and lead generation. Adding high-quality articles and blogs to your website is the easiest way to get more website visitors. 


Search engines love blogging. They reward sites that actively blog, following these best practices:

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Topics: SEO, owned media, web media

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