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Jacob McKimm

Jacob McKimm earned an integrated communications degree from Florida State College at Jacksonville in Jacksonville, Fla. Jacob has been with Axia since August 2015.

Read Jacob's recent blog posts below.

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What not to do after you get a story in the news

Avoid creating friction between you and journalists after a story goes live.


Getting a positive story featuring your company in the news is always cause for celebration. Your company will likely want to thank the journalist for the article and see if you can keep pitching your company to that journalist. However, this can actually cause problems with your company’s relationship with that journalist. Here are some problems to avoid so your company can maintain positive relationships with journalists.

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Topics: media relations, earned media, news media

How to ethically use AI in public relations

Using AI comes with its own ethical and legal challenges.


As we’ve previously covered, emerging artificial intelligence technologies can be a boon for your company’s public relations content production. With its ability to quickly create content, your company can quickly create useful first drafts for the rest of your team to build upon, among other benefits.


While AI is an effective tool for PR content creation, you can’t use content as-is. Before your company begins using AI-generated content for PR, you need to make sure you have a clear usage policy, a process for when an AI takes content from other sources, and a vision for how to deal with copyrighted materials it might use.

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Topics: digital PR, PR tips

How AI can help improve your public relations

Artificial intelligence can be a great PR assistant, but it’s not the end-all for content creation.


Artificial intelligence has taken the tech community by storm in 2023. Originally treated as a novelty, it has quickly become an effective tool in multiple fields. Public relations can benefit from the AI revolution as well.


But before looking at how AI can improve your PR, it’s important to learn what AI is.

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Topics: PR tips, PR planning

Before you post that news release... add Urchin Tracking Module parameters to each link

Use UTMs and Google Analytics to enhance your data on link clicks in press releases.


Your company has just finished up a news release. Everything looks complete, and it’s been copy edited. It’s ready to go, right? Not yet. Before you send out a news release, you should add Urchin Tracking Module, or UTM, codes to links that go to websites you own in a press release.

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Topics: earned media, news media

Making a positive first impression with your company’s website

A great first impression extends to the internet as well


Making a strong first impression when people see you or your company for the first time is extremely important. It sets how people perceive you, so it’s critical that you make sure a first impression is the best it can be.


Common ways to make a strong first impression can include:

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Topics: online public relations, web design & development

How to stay positive when working in PR

Positivity is an important element for success in the world of public relations.


Public relations is a very stressful job, whether you’re a PR practitioner or someone in a company that works with a PR firm or team. PR professionals and others working in the field face stressors such as:

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Topics: PR tips, crisis communications

Dust off old and unused ideas when designing PR plans

An idea that didn’t fit one campaign can be just right for another


When ideating for public relations, you and the people you’re doing PR with will develop plenty of ideas for a campaign. However, you won’t find a use for all of them. Throwing them into a folder or archive doesn’t mean it’s the end for those ideas, though.

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Topics: PR tips

How learning new things can improve your personal and professional lives

Becoming a lifelong learner can help you in multiple ways


Learning, along with experience, is fundamental to gaining knowledge and being successful as a professional. However, you shouldn’t limit learning to topics related to your career or profession; you should stay willing to learn all kinds of subjects – even things outside what you’re usually interested in – whenever you can. A little learning each day can pay off in both your professional and personal lives. 

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Topics: PR tips

Use work and life experience to increase your knowledge and wisdom

Experience is a great tool for learning beyond what school can teach


As a professional, you should always be soaking up information and learning new things. No matter what you specialize in, learning new information will help you and your company grow and adapt. One great way to learn valuable information is through experience.

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Topics: PR tips

Why using your own service can help you focus your PR on the consumer

Experiencing what customers do can help you put yourself in their shoes


Telling your company’s story and why it matters to your potential customers is a very important part of public relations. However, it’s possible to get so into storytelling that you lose focus on how your story connects to potential customers!


A great way to solve this issue is to put yourself in the customer’s shoes. It sounds simple, but going through the same processes your customers go through can help you understand what makes your product or service shine, thus helping you focus PR efforts on how your company can solve potential customers’ problems and make their lives easier.

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Topics: PR tips, consumer goods, professional services, consumer services

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