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The Haggler’s complaint – Does “PR spam” work?


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Topics: digital PR, media relations, public relations, PR tips

The Evolution of Public Relations Over Time

Technology. Social media. Changing attitudes toward communications.

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Topics: digital PR, public relations, FAQ, shared media

Social Media’s Impact on PR (It’s Big – Really Big – and So is Reputation Management)

Frankly, online communications are to our message style what TV was to the phonograph; what the sleek crossover has been to the original boxed-out minivan; what the Kindle Nook has been to the 960-page paperback version of Gone With the Wind.

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Topics: digital PR, reputation management, online reputation management, shared media

Remarketing Your PR for Maximum ROI

Great public relations means your company is already enjoying positive coverage in the media. But even if every major media outlet on Earth covered your story not everyone would see it.

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Topics: digital PR, media relations, public relations

Social Media Backlash – It’s About Appropriate Responses

You can’t ignore bad news about your organization; and in fact, it deserves a proper response. Sometimes, even organizational leaders use their social media accounts to respond in the heat of the moment, and instead of putting out fires, they spark new ones.

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Topics: digital PR, public relations, shared media

Smart PR Meet Social Media – Haven’t We Met Somewhere Before?

by Jason Mudd, APR

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Topics: digital PR, public relations, shared media

Surprising AOL Conference Call Drama: Can Your Business Learn from It?

If you’ve been looking for tips on revving up team morale, or how to tastefully release an employee, an audio clip of a recent AOL conference call can offer you – and millions of other listeners – some tips on how not to achieve these tasks.

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Topics: digital PR, reputation management, crisis communications, online reputation management, shared media

Public Relations - What Would John Hancock Do?

Effective Public Relations Strategies for the Declaration of Independence

This week, it’s fun to ask yourself a public relations question as you reflect on the events surrounding the birth of our country: What would John Hancock do today?

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Topics: digital PR, media relations, public relations

Remarket Your PR Coverage for Maximum Effect

Gaining positive coverage is great news and certainly a morale boost in that someone thinks you are doing a good job, but why leave it there? Just because you had a story published, does not mean everyone has had a chance to see it.

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Topics: digital PR, public relations, PR tips

Why You Shouldn't Hire an SEO-Only Company

SEO: If your company has a website (what company doesn't?), you've undoubtedly wondered how to make it more effective at attracting leads and/or customers and growing your business.

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Topics: digital PR, SEO

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