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Why companies are turning to this invaluable marketing tool
Pinterest is a valuable and effective asset for companies and individuals to use as part of their marketing strategies. While it’s a great tool to use, there are some common misconceptions about the benefits of the platform, which means that not everyone is using Pinterest to its fullest capabilities.
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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing, shared media
Why putting a face on your company is key
Within the last five years, companies across the globe have turned to social media for mass marketing and promotional purposes. Where newspapers and then TV once led the charge, social media is currently the easiest and most effective way to share content with a vast audience.
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Topics: public relations, shared media
Do you have the skills to succeed in public relations?
If you recently graduated college and want to know whether you have the knowledge and expertise to succeed in a public relations career, you may not have to look far for your answer.
PR is a continuously evolving field that requires employees to be hardworking and dedicated. However, there are other traits and skills that PR firms look for when hiring junior employees.
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Topics: public relations
Content is key to attracting your ideal consumers
Creating interesting and informative content is the key to successful inbound marketing. Companies around the world earn attention and respect by producing content that intrigues prospective clients and helps them find the information they’re looking for. Great content is accessible, concise, educational and unique. It is never solely promotional.
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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing, shared media
How media networks draw the public in
Within the last decade, businesses around the globe have turned to social media outlets to publish content and to promote their brands, products and services. Social media is an extremely effective and efficient way to spread direct information to a global population in real time. HubSpot’s Inbound Certification Course explains how companies can use social media to ultimately gain more customers.
According to HubSpot, an astounding 70 percent of the world’s Internet population is active on social media. These days, business prospects spend more of their free time on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ than they do shopping in a store or searching the Internet. That is why it is crucial for businesses to embrace this technological shift and use social media to their advantage.
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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing, shared media
Why sending the right email to the right person still matters
Have you heard anyone recently say “email is dead,” “all marketing emails are spam,” or other similar phrases? If so, let me tell you that email is not dead and is in fact still a very important factor in successful inbound marketing. Many traditional marketers have long used and abused email’s purpose by sending obnoxious messages to people who don’t want to receive them and who have learned how to tune them out. Nevertheless, email can still be extremely effective if marketers use proper inbound strategies to send the right email to the right person.
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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing
How to properly use social media channels
Companies that use social media properly distribute content to their consumers differently, depending on the platform. In other words, it doesn’t make sense to share content through a LinkedIn post in the same manner you would in a tweet.
Each social media outlet has a different audience with a specific agenda. While LinkedIn and Google+ are targeted at much more professional audiences, Facebook and Twitter are far more casual.
By using each of the four major social media outlets appropriately, businesses can most effectively reach their target buyer personas.
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Topics: public relations, inbound marketing, shared media
Topics: public relations, inbound marketing, shared media
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