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The Ultimate Guide to AI Communications and Positioning for PR Clients

By Lindsey Chastain

Mixing AI and public opinion can be tricky, but it’s possible to implement AI in PR ethically.


A computer with AI code on it.Artificial intelligence continues to transform industries as adoption accelerates globally. For companies exploring AI’s capabilities, understanding the surrounding media narratives and public perceptions is critical to guiding PR strategy


Cision’s comprehensive analysis of AI conversations across traditional and social media from July 2022 to July 2023 provides valuable insights for PR clients on this landscape. The trends and themes that should inform messaging and positioning become clear by examining millions of posts and articles.


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Heightened visibility carries rewards and risks

The study found nearly 400,000 AI-related articles across online news and blogs in the past year. Attention spiked with announcements like ChatGPT’s launch and new capabilities unveiled by AI’s developers.


This surge of traditional media interest signals AI as a high-profile subject where companies can earn visibility and establish thought leadership through compelling storytelling. However, given growing public concerns, implementing AI transparently and ethically has never been more crucial. Scrutiny is intensifying as AI continues to enter industries and daily practices.


PR strategies for clients pursuing AI should leverage media appetite for intriguing innovations and applications. But they also need to preemptively address worries around jobs, bias, privacy, and security through transparent communication.


Workforce anxieties address AI’s risks and opportunities

Of all topics, labor accounted for the most AI coverage in traditional outlets; 27% of articles focused on AI’s impact on careers and employment. Conversations about AI automating jobs and displacing workers also predominated at 12% on social platforms.


These prevalent workforce fears represent a significant pitfall for businesses, stoking worries they could destabilize employment. However, reassuring messaging conveying AI will augment unique human skills rather than replace jobs fully can help overcome skepticism. There is space to lead in pioneering collaborative new roles and upskilling staff.


PR messaging for clients should alleviate concerns by detailing how AI will support employees versus supplant them. Stories of successful workforce adaptation can be powerful proof points. Training initiatives can also generate goodwill.


Creativity concerns provide challenges and openings

On social media, apprehensions toward AI threatening creative occupations eclipsed other topics, comprising 69% of posts studied. Many expressed doubts about AI matching human imagination or worried it could make artists obsolete.


These criticisms present a major positioning challenge for clients exploring AI’s potential in creative realms. However, there are compelling openings to highlight AI as an enhancing creative partner rather than a replacement for people. Showcasing delighted users and inspired outcomes can help build acceptance.


PR strategies should present AI as a collaborative tool for expanding creativity and generating new possibilities, not an imitation machine. User testimonials and innovative applications that solve problems can reshape perceptions.


Amplified criticism requires a careful response 

Though largely neutral or positive in tone, media narratives around labor, creativity, and select issues like crime featured more pronounced negativity. On X, previously Twitter, critical commentary gained more traction through shares and virality than positive ones.


This tendency to amplify skepticism poses reputation risks for companies. But savvy PR positioning can address doubts by conveying AI's potential to complement human strengths where skills gaps exist, without ever replacing people entirely. Monitoring pain points provides key insights.


By identifying objections early and addressing them transparently, businesses can mitigate emerging criticism of their AI plans before they spiral. A fact-based perspective on how AI drives efficiencies and unlocks new opportunities will be critical.


Regulatory conversations demand proactive participation

As public concerns around data privacy, security, and ethics persist concerning AI, calls for greater regulation are gaining momentum fast across media. Governments globally are responding by ramping up policy proposals and oversight.


PR clients must track these policy discussions closely and prepare to adapt practices accordingly as frameworks evolve. But there’s also an opening to help shape policy by advocating balanced regulations that allow AI innovation to responsibly thrive. Constructive participation will be essential.


Staying abreast of policy trends and developments enables businesses to adjust strategies seamlessly. But weighing in on regulatory debates also allows companies to champion growth-friendly standards aligned with their capabilities and priorities.


Tuning Into Shifting Sentiment

Looking ahead, the rapid advancement in AI means public narratives have great potential to shift as new capabilities emerge. Companies must remain responsive and agile in steering the discourse through continuous media monitoring, sentiment analysis, and message updating. 


Especially on platforms like X, where conversations turn quickly, businesses will need finger-on-the-pulse PR strategies. Identifying positive and negative swings allows clients to double down on what’s resonating while course-correcting when needed. Maintaining transparency and ethics amid fluid debates will be critical to earning trust.


By combining sophisticated listening and rapid response capabilities, PR teams can ensure clients own the evolving narrative rather than being whipsawed by it.


Actionable Ways Businesses Can Lead the Landscape 

With the right combination of messaging nuance, transparency, and genuine commitment to human-centered values, companies can steer the AI landscape in a positive, constructive direction.


The media spotlight on AI will continue intensifying. But businesses that focus on empowering people and communities can earn trust. For PR clients ready to engage proactively and responsibly, AI presents immense scope for thought leadership.


For more tips like these, register for Axia’s free 60-Second Impact, packed with tips and tools on how to use PR to promote and grow your company.


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Photo by Markus Spiske

Topics: technology, artificial intelligence

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