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Media coverage: Securing one for the wall

By Julie Miller

6 tips to help you obtain news coverage for your company

A positive cover or featured stroy is great for your company.Public relations professionals should understand their clients aren't looking to put a news release in a frame on their wall. They want a cover story or great feature story to frame. So how do you make it happen? There’s no sure-fire way to earn that coveted feature story placement. However, there are some things you can do to help make the dream a reality.

  1. Know your brand story inside and out.

Your PR team should be experts on your company. That goes beyond memorizing the features of a new product or being able to recite the history. When your PR professionals are fully emerged in your brand, it’s easier for them to see new media opportunities and to find unique angles to pitch.

  1. Connect with your customers.

Having a connection with customers is eye-opening. Get to know your company’s most excited customers. Understand their stories and how your company may have impacted their lives. Customers are often the secret to landing a feature story.

  1. Be a storyteller.

Once you understand your brand story and have some great customers to point to, you have to craft an engaging pitch to get media interested. The challenge? Doing it in a concise and captivating way.

  1. Build relationships.

Having a relationship with journalists is key to getting them to hear the pitch that may lead to the “one for the wall.” Want to know how to build better relationships? Check out this blog post for advice.

  1. Don’t focus on the “one for the wall” too much.

If you focus solely on getting that feature story to frame on the wall, you may begin to spin your wheels. Be strategic and make good use of your time. If you continue to use these tips and follow best practices for engaging with media, eventually, the one for the wall will happen.

Need help securing high-quality media coverage? Is your current PR agency earning positive news coverage for your company? Download Axia Public Relations’ complimentary e-book Maximizing Your Public Relations Investment today to learn how to get the most from your PR firm.

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JulieMiller.pngJulie Miller is a marketing and communications professional with more than seven years of experience in the industry. She specializes in technology, digital marketing and communications. Julie has worked for Axia Public Relations since November 2015. Connect with Axia on Twitter @axiapr or tell us what you think in the comments below.




Featured image credit: 123rf.com

Topics: media relations, public relations, media

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