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How to (and how we) report PR activities and results

By Axia Public Relations

Our PR firm’s process for reporting public relations campaigns

Our-Reports-Landscape-Logo_v02-01Strategic communication requires consistent evaluation. To evaluate, you need reporting methods to know if your audiences are consuming your messages and how your messages have affected your audiences over time. PR professionals frequently use real-time reporting methods like dashboards or live monitors so teams can listen and immediately react, acknowledge, or adapt to their audiences.

Most PR firms and departments report as frequently as quarterly. Some report as frequently as monthly. Axia Public Relations reports progress each week, month, quarter, and year because regular communication assures our clients that we’re actively developing results for them.

Here’s how Axia reports progress to clients.

Axia's Weeklt Activities Reports




Report: Weekly PR Activities Report


Agency point of contact (and potentially their manager too)


  • Presented every Friday
  • Typically via email
  • Lists activities we completed that week
  • Shares activities we anticipate doing the following week
  • Activities: things we do to plan and produce communication
    (Examples include researching, planning, designing, writing, copy editing, reviewing, ideation sessions, and other actions to prepare and complete communication.)

View a sample Weekly PR Activities Report.

Axia's Monthly Metrics Reports




Report: Monthly PR Metrics Report


PR and marketing department leaders


  • Presented at the end of each month
  • Typically via a screen-share session, phone call, or in-person meeting
  • Sent as a PDF so it’s shareable with other team members
  • Typically includes activities and outputs
  • Outputs: content, materials, and messages we distributed publicly and the extent to which the target audiences received those messages

View a sample Monthly PR Metrics Report.

Axia's Quarterly Results Reports




Report: Quarterly PR Results Report


Head of communications, CMO, and potentially the CEO


  • Delivered at the end of each business quarter
  • Presented in person or via video conference by Axia team
  • Presented as PDF so it’s shareable
  • Includes outputs, outtakes, and outcomes
  • Outtakes: what audiences do with and gain from your communication
  • Outcomes: effect your communication has on audiences

View a sample Quarterly PR Results Report.

Axia's Annual Executive Reports




Report: Annual PR Executive Report


CMO, CEO, board, investors


  • Delivered at the end of each year or program end date
  • Presented in person or via video conference by Axia team
  • Presented as PDF so it’s shareable
  • Includes outputs, outtakes, outcomes, and impacts
  • Impacts: business results that stem from communication

View a sample Annual PR Executive Report.

Axia's Campaign or Project Reports


 or Project


Report: Campaign and Projects Reports


Marketing manager, CMO, CEO, board, and investors, depending on the campaign’s scope and investment


  • Delivered at the end of the campaign
  • Presented in person or via video conference by Axia team
  • Sent as PDF so it’s shareable
  • What’s included depends on the campaign’s objectives. It may include:
    • Outputs
    • Outtakes
    • Outcomes
    • Impacts

Are your PR firm’s reports impressive? If not, maybe it’s time to cut ties. Download Axia Public Relations’ complimentary e-book “How to Fire Your PR Firm” and stop yawning while reading worthless AVEs and vanity reports. Find a PR firm that consistently reports, measures, and evaluates numbers that matter to you and your organization.

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axia-katie-boyles-portraitClients love Katie’s energy and enthusiasm. She works with regional and national clients, strategizing their PR campaigns. Katie has worked with Axia Public Relations since September 2015. Learn more about Katie.


Featured image credit: 123rf.com 

Topics: measurement

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