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6 steps to ensure professional emails

By Yulia Dianova

43486359_s.jpgHow to use business email to connect with your target audiences

Email is key in your daily business communication. You receive, write and respond to dozens of emails a day. It’s your primary way to communicate with your clients, business partners and even your friends. Here are six steps to make sure your emails are professional and engaging.

   1. Know your audience.

You communicate using a different tone with different people. You’re casual, friendly and probably use tons of emojis with your friends, but you’re more formal when you communicate with your clients and potential customers. Be certain your writing is in top form when communicating with sponsors and investors, using appropriate titles and formalities. Always align your writing tone and style to your target audience.  

  1. Always proofread.

Emails with spelling or grammar mistakes make you look unprofessional. Poor punctuation can make messages difficult to read. Always proofread your email before sending it. Reread your messages as if you are the recipient. Luckily, there are many applications available to help you ensure your emails are error-free.

  1. Keep your messages brief.

No one likes lengthy emails. Keep your emails concise and to the point. Remember, it's more difficult to read from a computer screen than from a printed document. Use short paragraphs and bullet points to break up text and highlight key points.

  1. Use a clear signature and contact information.

Make sure you have your name, job title, company address, website and telephone number at the bottom of your emails. This will make it easier for your recipient to contact you and find your business. Keep your signature and contact information layout simple and professional. Fancy fonts, colors or elaborate graphics at the bottom of your email will look unprofessional.

  1. Create a fitting, engaging subject line.

Your subject line is the most important thing. It should be concise and interesting. For potential customers, it should be attention-grabbing and prompt your reader to open it. But make sure the subject line precisely reflects the content of your email.

  1. Respect your recipients.

Treat your recipients like you want them to treat you. Remember to:

  • Never spam or pass spam.
  • Respect your recipient’s privacy.
  • Always make sure your content is virus-free.
  • Zip your content if your file is large.

A public relations firm can help you best utilize business tools to benefit your company. Download Axia Public Relations’ guide Maximizing Your Public Relations Investment to take your business to the next level.

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Yulia.jpgYulia Dianova is a public relations professional who is skilled in building relationships with target audiences. She provides counsel to organizations that seek PR help to further their growth and reach their goals. Yulia earned a master’s degree in public relations management from University of Maryland University College. She is fluent in Russian and English and is always looking for a new challenge. Yulia has worked for Axia Public Relations since July 2015. Learn more about Yulia Dianova. Connect with Axia on Twitter @axiapr or tell us what you think in the comments below.


Featured image credit: 123rf.com

Topics: public relations, corporate communications

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