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Why your company’s leaders need to book public speaking engagements

By Yulia Dianova

bigstock-Orator-In-Public-7645559-485138-editedSpeaking at conferences, community meetings and expert seminars is a wonderful opportunity to get in front of your key audiences and grow your business. How does your company benefit from such speaking engagements?

Define your reputation

Speaking in front of large audiences helps to establish your company as a go-to source in your field. Sharing expertise, what you learned from past mistakes and how to avoid them in the future is a good way to boost your company’s reputation as a thought-leader and a reliable source of information for other professionals in the same field.

Attract more eyes and ears

Speaking events help boost your company’s brand visibility. By speaking at industry conferences and other outlets, your company leaders market their knowledge and skills without over-marketing the company itself. It also helps attract more traffic to your company’s website, increasing your online visibility.

Make new friends, keep the old

Speaking engagements are a good opportunity to grow your network of clients – both existing and prospective. These events give your experts a chance to connect with multiple audiences at one time. By engaging with attendees in a meaningful way, your company leaders reach out to new prospects and reconnect with your existing clients. You bring more people into your business by interacting with your audiences during events, answering their questions and maybe even learning something new from them. It also helps make your brand name more personal by giving your clients a chance to meet company leaders in person.

Keep the ball rolling

Documenting speaking events (producing a video, slide presentation or other visual marketing materials) contributes to your company’s valuable portfolio of marketing materials. You can use these materials later to promote your company on social media, on your company website and as giveaway material.

Sharing business experience and industry knowledge through speaking engagements can help your company gain credibility, brand visibility and grow your business. It helps you reconnect with your existing clients and gain new ones by establishing personal contacts during speaking events.

At Axia Public Relations, we can help you grow your business through successful public speaking engagements. Master your story by watching our media and spokesperson training webinar to learn how to express your message successfully to multiple audiences.

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YuliaYulia Dianova is a public relations professional who is skilled in building relationships with target audiences. She provides counsel to organizations that seek PR help to further their growth and reach their goals. Yulia earned a master’s degree in public relations management from University of Maryland University College. She is fluent in Russian and English and is always looking for a new challenge.




Featured image credit: Bigstock

Topics: public relations, media, spokesperson training

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