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Why using high-quality graphical content for your website is important

By Jacob McKimm

Use the right graphics to help your company’s public relations


Jason Mudd discusses why you need high-quality graphics.

Graphics are core to how your company presents itself to the rest of the world. They not only let you show off your company’s products, but they’re also essential for creating the image you want to broadcast and for helping engage users on your company’s website or social media outlets. 


It can be tempting to skimp on graphics and use low-quality ones to save some money, but you need to use high-quality images to give the best impression of you and your company. Low-quality graphics that look like they came from the early 2000s might’ve worked back then, but in a world of crisp and high-resolution graphics, you’ll look bad.


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You only have one shot at making a good first impression, so it’s important to put your best foot forward. That includes using graphics that are high quality and fit with your company’s theme.


Pick resources that fit your company’s theme

When your company is first deciding what graphics to use for your site, it’s important that they fit the image you want your company to have. A consistent image is crucial for your company and your PR efforts.


Say you’re running a company that has a professional image, and your company is picking out graphics to use on your website. Your company should be looking for and using graphics that reflect that image, even if it’s generic stock photos.



Use high-quality graphics

Besides picking graphics that fit your company, you also need to make sure they’re high quality. With modern technology and site design without too many graphics at once, you can deliver high-quality images on your site and not cause its size to become too large.


You can add high-quality graphics to your company’s website by following these tips:

  • Use high-resolution hero images so your hero images look good on both small and large computer screens.
  • Use modern image formats like PNG or WEBP as much as possible.
  • If your company makes its own products, get professional-quality images of the products.
  • Use vector graphics for logos and other graphics made just for your company that you want to look as clean as possible.
  • Ensure that videos produced for your company don’t have obvious visual issues, such as colors looking off or parts of the video looking blurry due to bad encoding.
  • Don’t be afraid to use stock photos in situations where you think they’d be appropriate.

Some of this might cost your company more money than you anticipated, but it’s important not to skimp out on high-quality graphics. Graphics are core to your company’s image, and you don’t want to give viewers a bad first impression with low-quality graphics.

You’ll very likely need to rely on photos made by people not connected to your company at some point. Improperly attributing or using these photos can cost your company money if the image’s copyright holder finds out, so it’s important that everyone involved with graphics knows about copyright law involving photos before selecting ones to use on your site.


High-quality graphics are important for your PR

Ultimately, high-quality graphics are essential for your company. Not only should you ensure that they’re high-quality, but ensure they fit with your company’s image, too. Having a strong game plan for the images your company will use that focus on these two principles will benefit your company’s public relations.


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McKimm_Jacob-1.jpgClients love Jacob’s speed. Jacob is an inbound marketing-certified webmaster. He earned an integrated communications degree from Florida State College at Jacksonville. Jacob joined Axia PR as an intern in August 2015 and earned his way into a critical role at our PR agency.

Topics: shared media, web design & development, social media

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