You won’t win true customer loyalty with flashing lights and shiny objects; your values and your brand identity are what will attract and retain consumers long-term. Keep an eye on the next generation’s habits and favored platforms in order to better connect with them. You don’t have to look far to find templates to model your business’ success after.
60-Second Articles:
- Achieve true customer loyalty
- Generation Z: The next big challenge
- The 60-Second Close: Templates for success
- Achieve true customer loyalty
- Possibly the most critical question when developing your company’s strategy for success: “How do we sustain and grow customer loyalty?”
- Many companies use loyalty rewards programs, but consumers are quick to jump from one program to another based on the featured reward of the month.
- Customer loyalty doesn’t originate from gimmicks; true loyalty happens when consumers deeply relate to your company’s values – like supporting a cause or a lifestyle that they identify with.
- People want to be with people who share their beliefs. It’s the “tribe” concept of loyalty – the best kind you can have, where people not only love your brand but feel good because your company’s values align with theirs. That’s the real key to long-term success.
- Generation Z: The next big challenge
- Generation Z (today’s 13-20-year-olds) could be the most unique of generations. They didn’t grow up on computers; they grew up on smart phones and social media. Their lives and all of their decisions revolve around information and interactions through their smart devices.
- Five years from now, members of Generation Z, who have matured in an environment with unprecedented access to information and are accustomed to finding exactly what they need, will account for 20 percent of all consumers.
- Expect this to have a serious effect on several categories – banks, movie theaters, newspapers, magazines and sporting events. If they can get it online, they will. And, of course, they have no patience for ad interruptions.
- Prepare now for the challenges of reaching and attracting Generation Z. Get familiar with their trends, talk to them one-on-one and utilize the platforms they’re using: YouNow, Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr and Periscope.
- The 60-Second Close: Templates for success
- The templates for long-term success are everywhere. When you dissect leading corporations, the elements are similar: leadership, culture, research, positioning, sales, technology, innovation and employee and customer loyalty.
- Chipotle’s values, Southwest Airlines’ culture or even the independent hardware store on the corner: It’s easy to find a successful template you can adapt to your business – one that customers of all generations can relate to.
- If your business has lost its way with all of the cultural changes and needs help finding some direction, call us. We can help you get there – now faster than ever.
Best Wishes,
Jason Mudd, APR
Axia Public Relations

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Topics: public relations, shared media, 60-Second Impact
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