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How to post unique and native content for your company on Twitter

By Amelia Ellicott

A quick guide on how to get your audience begging for more tweets


Twitter's logo on a screen.It can be challenging to come up with creative content to grab your audience’s attention in 280 characters or less. But with the right content posted, it can make all the difference for your company’s success. 


Here are three simple ways to post unique content that will have your audience itching to see what you post next: 




Hashtags tend to get a bad reputation on Twitter because people tend to overuse them. When used correctly, hashtags can be an effective way to tie different conversations into one singular stream or get a topic trending. Hashtags can help a company drive brand recognition, positively impact customer loyalty, and boost conversations between the company and its customers. 


An example of a company who uses hashtags successfully is Coca-Cola. Their #ShareACoke hashtag has been one of their most successful campaigns. The premise of this campaign is to share a bottle of coke with a loved one. This hashtag has gotten Coca-Cola so much attention that they’ve kept this campaign and hashtag going since 2013. 



Using quotes in tweets or in a graphic is a great way to capture your audience’s attention. Using quotes makes the tweet more personable and leaves your audience thinking about the quote throughout the day. 


People like inspirational quotes or quotes that speak to them, and this makes it more likely that they’ll retweet your tweet. You can also use a quote from a podcast your company has produced like Axia Public Relations does with On Top of PR, and then attach it to a pre-made graphic. 


Twitter Polls

A creative way to engage with your audience is to create a poll. Twitter polls can be used to ask an audience what kind of content they’d like to see. This helps a company learn the audience’s opinions, thoughts, and views about them. 


Creating polls compels people to check out your Twitter page, and seeing answers to questions that matter to them gives them an incentive to return to your page. Marvel Entertainment creates weekly polls to keep their brand centered around their followers; one of their polls even reached almost 27,000 votes. 


Keeping your audience engaged and creating creative content can be a daunting task. Applying these strategies can make it simple to connect with your audience and build long-term success on social media. 


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Amelia is an intern at Axia Public Relations for the spring 2021 semester. She will be graduating in April with a bachelor of science in public relations and a minor in digital marketing. Amelia has a passion for writing and a love of helping others and meeting new people.


Photo by Brett Jordan from Pexels

Topics: shared media, social media

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