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How might Apple's Vision Pro change PR?

By Jason Mudd

The introduction of VR/AR devices could be a turning point for PR professionals.


A woman using an Apple Vision Pro.Apple has revolutionized personal computing technology over its 42-year history by transforming the daily lives of individuals and companies. The new Apple Vision Pro may be the next innovation to add to Apple’s already impressive resume. 


So, what is the Vision Pro, and why is it better than other virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) devices? Can it be a beneficial tool in the hands of PR professionals? To understand the potential of this new device, we must know what sets Vision Pro apart and how it can improve the productivity and outreach of PR professionals.


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What is the Apple Vision Pro?

The Apple Vision Pro seems to be much more than a VR/AR headset. Its spatial computing operating system provides an immersive virtual experience, blending the real and virtual worlds. The device “seamlessly blends digital content with [the user’s] physical space,” as the user can still be “present in the world around [them].” 


How does it compare to Meta’s Oculus Quest?


No Spacial Limitation

In the Oculus Quest, the user’s sight is fully consumed by the device’s virtual experience, and their virtual perimeter limits mobility. The Vision Pro interacts with the user’s environment, allowing them to see and move about in their surroundings while viewing the content on the screen. 


There is no spatial limitation with the Vision Pro as the user sees through the headset, not simply into it. It’s like Tony Stark’s E.D.I.T.H. glasses, which allow the user to interact with computer programs while viewing their physical environment. 


Advanced Controls

These other VR/AR headsets also require handheld devices to control the virtual reality display. The Vision Pro allows users to navigate by using their eyes, hands, and voice.


What are the benefits to PR professionals?


For PR professionals, it’s important to be working with the latest technology that improves the efficiency and quality of their work and content. The Apple Vision Pro, as with many of Apple’s products, sets itself apart from similar tech and seems to take VR/AR into a new realm of communication, content creation, and work efficiency. Below are four initial benefits of the Apple Vision Pro for PR professionals.


1. Multitasking: 

The Vision Pro allows users to be on a phone or Facetime call and still access multiple apps and windows without losing sight of the call. You can now work in multiple apps simultaneously, viewing your presentation or notes while remaining visually present in the call.


Furthermore, SharePlay allows users to “share apps and use them together in Facetime.” Digital content can be opened and shared in digital meetings, which helps provide context and support for presentations.


2. Digital Meetings: 

When communicating in a remote workforce, Vision Pro can improve personal interaction. The user can create a digital Persona, which is a natural and dynamic representation of the user’s face and hand motions, allowing others to see the user while using the device.


3. Content Creation: 

Users can create 3-D interactive presentations of products or brands, allowing greater customer engagement, which sets the content designer’s advertisements and marketing campaigns apart from traditional 2-D displays.


An interactive, 360-degree display can set a client’s product or service apart from its competitors.


4. Mobility: 

Unlike other virtual reality headsets, Vision OS allows users to view their surroundings and rearrange apps for greater visibility. This can allow the user to mobilize their computer without removing the device or being restricted to a virtual perimeter. This virtual desktop allows the user to take the Vision Pro anywhere on its two-hour battery life.


As with any new technology, the potential can be greater than anticipated. Improved ability to communicate, create, and move about with the Vision Pro leaves plenty of room for unperceived benefits.


What are some potential cons?

As with any new tech, there are always some downsides. With the new Vision Pro, a few cons stand out.


1. Price: 

The Vision Pro is expected to sell at $3,499. This is a high cost compared to other VR/AR devices. It’s also a stretch for the average consumer, who is already financially stressed in a weak economy. Forbes claims Apple is planning on providing a cheaper model, but can it do so while maintaining a profit-generating, quality device?


2. Aesthetics: 

The sleek design Apple is known for can’t distract from the ski-goggle look. Wearing a bulky and conspicuous device on one’s face is impractical, which Business Insider calls “nerd goggles.” Hopefully, Apple can reduce the size to a pair of glasses, as Tony Stark does with his E.D.I.T.H. device.


The Apple Vision Pro is new for the tech giant and is bound to have its initial flaws. As other companies have already gone to market with VR/AR headsets, Apple is behind and may require improvements based on actual user data.


Nevertheless, VR/AR technology is the latest in the tech revolution, with the Vision Pro appearing to differentiate itself with its focus on spatial interaction and digital communication. Developing a process and culture around this virtual technology can help firms stay relevant and adaptable in this new VR/AR trend.


Is it worth it to stay up-to-date with the latest trends?

From more efficient workflows to brand new frontiers in content creation, new tech like the Apple Vision Pro certainly shows promise for PR professionals. The caveat is that new technology is only as good as the data set it provides to make strategic decisions. The key takeaway is to consider the age-old cost versus benefit ratio to ascertain whether such an investment is feasible for your organization. Focusing on the metrics will give you a baseline from which to measure, tweak, and move forward.


Ready to get involved with your industry’s trending news and grow your external audience? Ask our experienced team at Axia Public Relations how we can help.


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axia-jason-mudd-portraitClients love Jason’s passion, candor, and commitment as well as the team he has formed at Axia Public Relations. He's advised some of America’s most admired brands, including American Airlines, Dave & Buster’s, Hilton, HP, Pizza Hut, and Verizon. He is an Emmy Award-winning, accredited public relations practitioner, speaker, author, and entrepreneur and earned his certification in inbound marketing. He founded the PR firm in July 2002. Learn more about Jason.


Photo taken by Apple

Topics: digital PR, PR tips, technology

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