In this episode, guest Ryan Spalding joins host Jason Mudd to discuss the franchise industry, home improvement, and home services. They dive into the uniqueness and nuances of doing business in Canada and the U.S.
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Our episode guest is Ryan Spalding of Toronto, Canada. He is the Director of Franchise Marketing at Garage Living where he has created and implemented the marketing strategy for over 40 franchise locations and leads the marketing team across all marketing channels.
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5 things you’ll learn during the full episode:
- How marketing in the music industry differs from the home improvement industry
- How customer home service has changed after the pandemic
- How online reviews impact lead generation
- The nuances of doing business internationally
- How PR can be used for franchisors
About Ryan Spalding
Ryan Spalding of Toronto, Canada, is the Director of Franchise Marketing at Garage Living. Before breaking into the franchising and home improvement industry, Ryan worked in marketing for the music industry for 17 years. He worked with both Warner Music Canada and Dine Alone Records. Ryan joined Garage Living in 2020, where he has created and implemented the marketing strategy for over 40 franchise locations and leads the marketing team across all marketing channels.
- Connect and learn more about Ryan Spalding on LinkedIn.
- Visit Garage Living for more information.
Additional Episode Resources:
Additional Resources from Axia Public Relations:
- Listen to more episodes of the On Top of PR podcast.
- Find out more about Axia Public Relations.
- 14 ways to secure earned media coverage about your home service company
- 10 tips to getting your franchise company media coverage
- How franchisors benefit from good franchise PR
- On Top of PR Promo for ReviewMaxer
Episode Highlights
Ryan: “[In the music industry and the home improvement industry] you’re still using the same marketing principles. You're identifying your target market and you’re looking at tactics to reach those of that audience, whether it’s through traditional marketing, avenues, digital marketing avenues, or whether it’s through publicity campaigns.”
Ryan went from the music industry to the home improvement industry, taking his skills along with them. The two differ greatly, but he was able to see the overlapping marketing similarities.
Ryan: “In 2020, we actually saw quite a rise during the pandemic when people were looking to make a change from working in a traditional office or corporate setting to become their own bosses. We actually saw the franchise network grow quite tremendously during 2021 and through 2022.”
Ryan: “During the pandemic, it was almost easier [for franchises] to launch, because everyone is really interested in improving your home during the pandemic.”
Ryan: “I think that the demand is reverting back to what it was before the pandemic. Now you’re maybe back in the office and can travel. There’s options to spend your money in other places.”
The pandemic changed the office world drastically, but it also changed how people worked at home, spent time at home, and refurbished their homes.
Ryan: “Now more than ever, online reviews are more important than perhaps they were a couple years ago. Especially for our industry and our segment.”
Ryan: “People are going to online reviews whether it’s Google, Facebook, or the platform to see what the reputation is of the company, especially if they’re not too familiar with it. That’s a perfect place for them to go to.”
ReviewMaxer manages online customer reviews and turns good reviews into free advertising. It’s a simple, easy-to-use tool that allows you to monitor, gather, and promote positive online customer reviews. ReviewMaxer users see an increased average star rating, better SEO, and improved online reputation within 60 days.
Ryan: “Google reviews are obviously super important because they feed into other aspects like your SEO and your Google rankings.”
If Google sees you actively participating and responding as a business, they’ll send more traffic to your site.
Ryan: “People are going to look to profiles to see if they’re active, if they have a lot of followers, how they are responding to people leaving comments. It’s just another way to build your reputation and your social trust.”
Ryan: “When we’re looking at our marketing strategy, we’re not looking at just one area of marketing, whether it be digital advertising, Google reviews, or social media, we’re not just looking at them in silos, we’re looking at them as a whole picture. I believe that PR plays a big role in that.”
Ryan: “When we were getting mentions through national media or local media, or our franchise owners are appearing on morning television shows or in their local digital papers, that’s just creating more brand awareness. It’s actually going to feed into our social media following because now people are seeing our name or reading an article or seeing them on the TV, and now they’re picking up their device and going to their search engine and they’re going to type Garage Living.
Media coverage can be direct advertisement to your social media channels.
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Welcome to On Top of PR with Jason Mudd presented by ReviewMaxer.
Hello and welcome to On Top of PR, I'm your host Jason Mudd, with Axia Public Relations. Today we are joined by Ryan Spalding of Garage Living. Ryan is the director of franchise marketing. He's based out of Toronto. And today we're going to talk about the franchise industry, home improvements and home services, as well as the uniqueness and nuances of doing business in Canada and the United States. Ryan, welcome to the show. We're glad you're here.
Thanks, Jason. Appreciate it.
Yeah. So, Ryan, you started your career out in the music industry with Warner Music. Tell us, you know, in a couple of sentences about your career path.
Yeah, right out of college, I ended up in the marketing department at Warner and kind of worked my way through there and, you know, kind of worked in marketing, you know, leading up to, I guess, 2020 when I joined Garage Living in their marketing department, which I guess was still relatively new, I was one of the second, only the second people that they hired for the marketing department. And since then, I've, you know, we've built out a really great team. We're now five people in the marketing department, and I'm really excited to see sort of where we continue to grow to.
Excellent, excellent. And what are some of the things that were kind of unexpected or insightful to you, getting into getting out of the music industry and getting into the home improvement and franchise space?
Yeah, the way that we market here is vastly different. I think we, you know, everything is about measurement here. You know, planning and monitoring and measuring everything that we do, being able to attribute where the dollars are being spent and what the return on those dollars looks like. It's very analytical, which I enjoy. I find it to make a lot more sense now than perhaps previously when doing marketing. I'd say those are kind of the major differences. You know, we use a lot of the same sort of traditional marketing, you know, whether it's a printout or, you know, radio, television, video advertising. But we also use lead generation here. And that's sort of the biggest focus of our our franchise owners is generating those leads to hopefully convert them to sales.
Yeah. So instead of maybe promoting a single artist or a group of artists and trying to get, you know, I guess records or sold or downloads and people buying tickets, now you've got an audience of franchisees that you're trying to deliver leads to. And also attracting franchisees to the model as well.
Yeah, it's a little bit of you know, we kind of have three real customers that we're somewhat marketing to, you know, our partners in the franchise owners when we're talking about new products that we're releasing, you know, and working closely with them on that, the end user, the homeowner that we are delivering the product and service to. And then like you mentioned, there's franchise development, which is to find and attract new franchise owners and markets that are available. So there's three different sort of strategies we take in order to achieve results in those three areas.
Okay, got it. Got it. What are some of the similarities and or distinct differences between working to get consumers to buy music and buy tickets to shows versus getting consumers to invest in home improvement?
Oh yeah. I don't know if there is a lot of similarity, to be honest. Yeah. I mean, I guess you're still using the same sort of marketing principles. You know, you're identifying your target market, you're looking at tactics to, to reach those that audience, you know, whether it's through, you know, traditional marketing avenues or through digital marketing avenues or whether it's through, you know, a publicity campaign. You know, we did that. A lot of music as well. But, you know, I think the way that we, you know, market through regeneration is not really something I was doing previously, before moving into, into Garage Living and into this type of market. So I think the principles remain the same no matter what. You still got to identify, you know, your demographic, your target market, and build your strategy and your marketing plan to achieve your goals. But yeah, it's there's a lot more differences and similarities.
So, Ryan, tell us more about Garage Living. When was it founded? How large the organization today? And tell us more about what the company does.
Yes. So the company started in 2005 in Toronto and started franchising in 2015. And that's sort of when they started to build up the franchise side, which is where I am today in 2020 is really when we started to see growth start to expand. You know, people were looking to, you know, move on from maybe a corporate or office setting or a traditional corporate or office setting and go out on their own. And, you know, the franchise side, especially those in the home improvement industry, really saw a lot of interest from new franchise owners. And I think we grew our network, you know, probably added, you know, close to 15 new locations during the pandemic, which was great to build up and strengthen our network and for locations joining during the pandemic, it was really almost simple or easier to launch because everyone was really interested in improving their home during the pandemic and, you know, generating leads, closing sales. You know, people had extra money. They were working from home, they weren't commuting they weren’t traveling. There was no entertainment. So they're investing more in their homes.
And the garage space is something that people don't traditionally think about. But when they're looking for when they're spending a lot more time in their house, you know they might be noticing that their garage doesn't look like the rest of their house does. So it was time to look into, you know, the possibilities of renovating that space and what it could look like. And you know, that's where Garage Living does a really great job. You know, we tend to be on the higher end side of things, more of a luxury product and service. And, you know, we'll renovate anything in the interior garage space.
All right. So speaking of home improvement, what are you seeing right now? I mean, do you feel like the bulk of the super majority of the big spending on home improvement has kind of stabilized or is demand, you know, higher than it was before the pandemic?
I think the demand is sort of reverting back to what it was before the pandemic. You know, people again like now your maybe back in the office and commuting more and you can travel there's options to spend your money in other places. And when people took, you know, a few years break of potentially spending that money elsewhere, now they're looking at, you know, going back to some of those entertainment and travel type things. So I think the demand is reverting back to it like it was before the pandemic. But that's not to say that opportunities are out there. People are still you know, they're still renovating their garage spaces and they're still coming to garage living to have that completed for them. I think the biggest difference we're starting to see now is just the change in economic conditions.
So coming out of the pandemic and we've seen interest rates go up, we've seen inflation become an issue. Things are costing more. People are taking a longer time to determine whether or not this is something that they want to do now or if they want to put it off until next year or later on in the year. So we've noticed a few things happening. We started to notice, actually noticed this actually last year, and it was a message that we had sent to our network that here's what we're going what we're expecting is going to happen with things costing more. That's not any different from, you know, the gas you put in your car or the food you put on your table. Your leads are going to cost more. Your competitors are going to be willing to pay more for those leads. And your client or your potential prospect might not convert as quickly as they were before. So the journey, the customer journey is changing, but advertising budgets have to change. We can still generate the same volume, but where we're seeing things change is conversion rates click-through rates. Those are the biggest areas of change and cost.
Right? Yeah, And I think that I think everyone's seeing that across the board. So, you know, they should believe you that you're, you're guiding them properly on that.
Yeah, it's a message that or a conversation that we have all the time because I think and I think it's inherent to anybody, you kind of feel like you're out there on an island by yourself. And, you know, when we talk to our whether it's our paid search partners or Google themselves or we talk to our counterparts at other companies or home improvement industries, they're all experience. It's not unique to garage living. It's not unique to a garage living location in New York or California. It's industry-wide. It's every single industry is experiencing a similar of a similar thing.
So home improvement is obviously a critical part economic engine of our economy both for the homeowner and for companies like yours. You know, what are some of the best practices about getting homeowners, you know, warmed up to your company comfortable inviting your company into their dining room or living room to or in your case, the garage to give a quote and feel comfortable, you know, working with your organization. What things have you picked up and learned in your career, Ryan?
Yeah, I think, you know, the sales side is something that was really new to me. You know, I was never really, you know, exposed to that side of things. So I have learned a lot about how our sales teams are approaching clients and, you know, finding that connection. I think that's one of the most important, important things is kind of connecting with them, finding some way to build that relationship and to build that trust. So it usually starts with us via a web form, consultation request or a phone call. We do have a showroom model, so sometimes we get showroom walk ins or referrals. I mean, referrals are a lot easier because it's coming from somebody you trust already who has probably had a good experience with the company.
So, you know, that is typically an easier path to, you know, the in-person consultation. But if it is sort of a, you know, a cold or a web form lead or something, it'll be followed up with a phone call and that is sort of where the qualification process will begin. And it's important to be upfront, honest. We're not the cheapest option out there when it comes to doing your garage or your garage floor or your cabinets. You can find cheaper options out there, but the quality is where we really excel. So I think that those are sort of the important factors is just building that trust and building that relationship. You know, being upfront and honest and transparent is super important. So I think if you kind of hit all those check all those boxes, the customer, or the potential client is going to have, you know, feel good about inviting you to their home, too. For us to take measurements, to do the drawings and to present the quotes.
Right, Right. Okay. Well, Ryan with that. We're going to take a quick break and come back on the other side with more On Top of PR.
You were listening to On Top of PR with your host, Jason Mudd. Jason is a trusted advisor to some of America's most admired and fastest growing brands. He is the managing partner at Axia Public Relations, a PR agency that guides news, social and web strategies for national companies. And now back to the show.
Welcome back to on top of PR we are with Ryan Spalding with Garage Living and we've got a few more questions for Ryan here in the On Top of PR studios. Ryan so thank you for all your answers here so far. I want to tap into with you for just a minute and talk about online customer reviews, kind of how are you using those today and what advice would you give to our audience surrounding online reviews? Are they still important? Are they relevant and what do you do with them?
Yeah, for sure. I think now more than ever, they're even more important than they perhaps were a couple of years ago, especially for our industry and our sort of segment. We talked a little bit about how people's decision making process or their their customer journey is taking a little bit longer. Maybe they're being a little bit tighter or, you know, considering where to spend that money. And perhaps they have a few different options to spend that money on certain things that they have on their wish list. And one of the things that people are doing is going to online reviews, whether it's Google, Facebook or another platform to see what the reputation is of this company, especially if they're not too familiar with it or were referred by a friend or a family or somebody trusted that that's the perfect place for them to go to.
So I think Google reviews are obviously super important just because they also feed into other aspects like your SEO, your local SEO, like your Google rankings. If you're responding to reviews, Google is going to see that you're an active business owner and is going to send more traffic to your website. So we encourage we have a platform that we use that helps to automate the process. It'll send a via text message as well as email. But we encourage all of our locations to be very active on it. We're responding to every single review that comes in positive or negative. And it's been highly successful. We've got a really great partner that we work with, and our Google reviews have seen a dramatic uptick in the last year and a half.
So what I absolutely recommend to anybody out there, if you're not active with Google Business Profile, Facebook reviews and other platforms to manage your reputation, that you should definitely get organized. And I think with people taking longer and we're talking about this this longer customer journey a little bit and social media, it plays a big role in that as well. And you know, our organic social media team is very active in community engagement posting regularly, filling up that feed with, you know, really great, whether it's video posts or feed posts, story posts, you know, they're interacting on social media with people who are asking questions, but people are going to look to those profiles as well to see are they active? Do they have a lot of followers? How are they responding to people leaving comments on those posts? So, you know, it's just another way to manage your reputation and to build that social proof in that social trust.
Nice. I appreciate sharing that. And I know that On Top PR is sponsored by ReviewMaxer, which provides a very similar service for managing online reviews. And you know, if you, I believe if you go to a there's a special offer for those who might be interested in that. Ryan, you're based in Canada, Toronto, more specifically or near Toronto, yet a majority of your locations are in the United States. So tell me kind of what are some of the nuances being based in Canada, but doing a lot of marketing both to attract customers as well as to attract franchisees to your organization. What are some of the challenges and nuances you face with that, or is there not much of a difference?
There definitely is a difference, and I think we're we're lucky that we work with a lot of really savvy business owners, franchise owners, where they don't know they know what their market is, where we should be targeting, whether it's through direct mail or digital ads. When we're talking about their Google ad campaigns they're directing us on to, these are high value, high value areas that we want to be servicing ads to. So we work very closely with all of our franchise owners to ensure that our targeting is in its set up properly and that we're not missing anything and that we're not targeting areas that they don't want to be doing work in. So, you know, I think we kind of have to put ourselves in their position a lot of times. But when it comes to things like, I mean, working in USD versus Canadian dollars, we don't really run into that issue. You know, finding local advertising partners is not that difficult. It's a pretty level playing field. You know, we have connections to a lot of the bigger media companies in the U.S. already or a local rep might reach out to one of our franchise owners and then they'll direct them to the marketing department.
So that's sort of how we treat things like we're the support team for our franchise owners and they're the experts in their market, but we're the experts in marketing. So if somebody comes to one of our locations with a TV buy that they're recommending, they'll send it over to us and we'll take a look at it and we'll say, hey, this is actually a good value, or I would pass on this and maybe allocate this funding towards something else that we could potentially draw on more leads or has a better brand awareness is more easily trackable, you know, or is going to tie in to your overall strategy a little bit better than this particular campaign. But we're very, very active and very, very connected to all of our locations when it comes to their local advertising.
Yeah, that sounds great. Thank you for sharing that. So let's talk about PR for a minute. For full disclosure. You know, we met because you were looking into a PR firm and we connected that way. And, you know, we're now in a business relationship together for PR, But what's kind of what what is Garage Living aspiring to accomplish in PR and kind of what was the rationale for looking into, you know, using PR for your benefit?
Yeah, I think I think PR is incredibly important to the overall marketing and, you know, brand awareness that we are trying to achieve when we're, when we're looking at our marketing plan and our marketing strategy, we're not looking at, you know, just one area of marketing, whether it be digital advertising or Google reviews, social media. You know, we're not just looking at them in silos. We're looking at it as a whole picture. And I believe that PR plays a big role in that and in some ways really tying it all together. Because when we're getting mentions through through national media or local media or our franchise owners are appearing on morning television shows, they're in their local, you know, you know, digital papers or physical newspapers, that's just creating more brand awareness. It's actually going to feed into our social media following into our paid search, because now people are seeing our name. We're reading an article, we're seeing them on the TV, and now they're picking up their device and they're going to a search engine and they're typing in Garage Living or garage renovation. And we're running ads there. And then we're remarketing to that through display and through video and through YouTube.
So it all sort of ties it's this ecosystem of marketing and it all plays a vital role. But that's why we like all of this too, to tie together. And the garage space is a bit of an odd one because a lot of people don't think of it as a space that you can renovate. They think of your kitchen and your basement in the bathroom and the bedrooms and now we're going to landscaped the backyard and the front yard and it's almost sort of when they get to that final home renovation piece that they realize, oh, the garage, that's not... So all of us marketers, always talk about brand awareness. But one of the things that we've identified is there is also something that we have to work towards, which is category awareness. Just the fact that you can actually renovate your garage and not only renovate your garage, but renovate in a way that it's going to look as beautiful as the rest of your house.
Right, Right.
And PR does a really great job of supporting that. We can tell a story, we can show images, we can show videos. You know, what are we've had a couple of franchise owners appear on television. It shows the connection that shows sort of the trust that these guys are the professional in their space and they can help you solve some of the problems that you're having, whether it's a sort of storage issue or you can't park your cars in there or you just want your garage to look as good as the rest of your house, this is the guys that can do it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's very interesting. And I can relate to that. You know, we remodeled our home, I think in 20..., towards the end of 2021, mostly in 2022. And then it was like, okay, now the garage right. And the problem for us is we still have stuff in there from the renovation. We used to park both of our cars in the garage and when we renovated we had to move stuff into the garage and it's just so exhausting. We haven't gone through it. So I think honestly, I think I just need to get a dumpster and just get rid of it all. But we'll see. We'll see. And so, you know, Ryan, I think it's interesting. First of all, I agree with everything you said, even for our agency, right? We kind of cut back a little bit on our activities and marketing and all that stuff, and we scaled it back just out of time and resource. We were busy, we had lots of work and things like that, but then we noticed that, you know, it really made an impact on our pipeline. And so we started bringing things back slowly to see what was changing, what was moving. And it was really the holistic approach like you're describing, of having everything running on all cylinders, right? You know, the podcast, the search optimization, the Google ad words, the PR, you know, we made a concerted effort earlier this year to, you know, take some of our own medicine, use our own services and things like that. And as we've leveled up, all those things are leads have actually increased. And so it was interesting to me because it's the business.
I was a small business owner. I was looking for ways to scale back and still have the same results and you know there's a saying, I think it might be Morris Hite, but I could be wrong. Who said, you know, I know half my advertising works. I just don't know what half. And the good news is in the digital age we can attribute and source and track a lot of that. But the other stuff that's still out there is a little bit more difficult to track. There are ways to measure, of course, and evaluate. But I'm with you 100% Ryan and it seems to be this holistic approach where, you know, ideally you want to be omnipresent, where your audience is seeing you everywhere. But, you know, I think if you have something sort or lacking in one area, I think you really missed that whole 360 degree impact you can have.
Yeah. And to kind of build off that, I give one other quick example I mentioned during the pandemic, we had a bit of a boom and I joined in December of 2020 and we had launched new locations with just Google advertising. And within a few days we would have needs in the pipeline, right? Because, you know, there was leads lining up out the door. And if you didn't close that first one, that was okay because, you know, three or four or five other people are there and you're going to be able to close two or three of them for sure. And it was great. We had a lot of locations really, really well this way we kept costs slimmer and we were off to the races.
But in the past, probably about eight months, ten months, we can't do that anymore. We actually had to build a new sort of onboarding and advertising and marketing program because we found if we would launch with just Google advertising, it takes weeks sometimes for us to really start. So you'll get a couple of weeks here and there. But to really start seeing the effect of those Google advertising campaigns, you needed to support it with your social media ads. Create brand awareness. You could highly target them. YouTube advertising for remarketing for people that were touching with the odds and or going on to the to the website. You know, if they're doing jobs, then we've got the trucks out there, we've got door knockers, we've got lawn signs, we're doing direct mail campaigns. Some locations have some very effective print magazines that work really, really well for us.
So we're encouraging that, especially with new locations where we're encouraging them to be prepared with, you know, this is what we expect or you should expect to spend upon launch. We can scale it however you guys feel. But yeah, it's not just like, let's go Google ads. It leads are coming in the front door, right?
Right. Yeah. In some ways it's not as easy as it was, but, you know, you know, seasons come and go, I guess. Right? But it sounds like you had a great opportunity to expand your locations, your franchisees and ultimately using PR and other things to build your brand and reputation in the marketplace and having those positive reviews and the social media and the SEO and good reputation and PR all happening at once is really sounds like the right formula, so...
Ryan as we're wrapping up here, was anything else you'd like to share with our audience? And you know, because I have just a few more closing questions for you.
No. Yeah. Let's go to the close to the hook.
Okay. Yeah. So, so rapid fire. Ryan You know what? Tell us a little bit about, you know, your morning routine. Do you have a favorite podcast or activity you do in the mornings?
I don't listen to a podcast in the morning. My morning routine is very simple because I prepare the night before for the next day. So I just I grab my breakfast and lunch out of the fridge and after I'm up out of bed and ready to go to work, jump off my car. Because if I don't get out of the city by a certain time because our offices is north of the city, then I'm spending a little bit longer in the car than I'd like to. So yeah, my, my morning routine is like, let's get up and get out, get on the road so I can get to work.
Nice. A book, a resource that you recommend to other people.
With regards to marketing or...
Yeah. Yep, marketing, PR, life, whatever.
Yeah. I mean I, I'm a bit of a science fiction guy, so I tend to read Neil deGrasse Tyson books.
Okay. Okay.
I'm trying to think there was one from a speaker we had at our conference last year. But yeah, I, I, I stick to my sci fi books.
Okay. Awesome. Awesome. Ryan, if somebody one of our listeners wants to connect with you, where's the best spot for them to follow you on social media?
Well, I don't I don't really do a whole lot on social media, but you can connect with me, I guess, on LinkedIn. Yeah.
If you do that for Ryan’s sake, please be sure that you heard of heard him on on of PR so he knows how to associate your request. But also it sounds like obviously they could follow Garage Living on social media as well. Right, Ryan?
Absolutely. That's what you're going to learn a lot about the company as well.
Ryan I know I put you on the spot for these last few questions. Any closing advice for our audience about being successful in marketing and PR?
Yeah, I mean, you know, now is a perfect time to sort of flex your marketing muscle. It's when things get difficult, when they get more expensive, you know, especially if you're working with franchise owners or small business owners, the first thing they tend to do is want to pull back on their marketing budgets. And that is sort of the opposite thinking of how we think as marketers when things get tough, you want to up your budgets, you want to get more aggressive. If you want to try to battle to bring in as many leads, as many opportunities as you can and when we do fill that pipeline, we can start to slow those things down. So it's a great time for us to get creative. It's going to be frustrating and it's going to be difficult at times because, you know, if you're working with small business owners, it's very stressful and you got to put yourself in their shoes to understand where they're coming from. But, you know, there are opportunities out there, at least for us and on the industry, we're still finding them. We're still having locations have, you know, really great years with sales. But it's tough and you're not in this alone. We're all feeling it.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, Ryan, this was a great episode. I appreciate you sharing your smarts and insights on franchising, on home improvement, on, you know, working with Canadian US kind of relations. So I really appreciate you sharing all that with us. And with that, we're going to wrap up. So thank you Ryan.
Yeah, thanks for having me, Jason. I appreciate. It.
Yeah, Yeah, our pleasure. We're glad to be here. So with that, that's another episode of On Top of PR. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to connect with Garage Living on social media. And also if there's a friend or colleague who you think would benefit from this episode, we would encourage you to share this episode with them as well through social media or email link to it.
This has been On Top of PR with Jason Mudd presented by ReviewMaxer. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode and check out past shows at
Sponsored by:
- On Top of PR is produced by Axia Public Relations, named by Forbes as one of America’s Best PR Agencies. Axia is an expert PR firm for national brands.
- On Top of PR is sponsored by ReviewMaxer, the platform for monitoring, improving, and promoting online customer reviews.

About your host Jason Mudd
On Top of PR host, Jason Mudd, is a trusted adviser and dynamic strategist for some of America’s most admired brands and fastest-growing companies. Since 1994, he’s worked with American Airlines, Budweiser, Dave & Buster’s, H&R Block, Hilton, HP, Miller Lite, New York Life, Pizza Hut, Southern Comfort, and Verizon. He founded Axia Public Relations in July 2002. Forbes named Axia as one of America’s Best PR Agencies.
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