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A hidden LinkedIn tool that’ll get you hundreds of connections

By Hannah Feran

adults-casual-cellphone-1413653How to optimize networking opportunities with LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social platform that helps people define themselves as professionals. Users create a personal profile that they can use to connect with other colleagues, associates, or professionals in their industry, area, and beyond. Hopefully you have an account set up already; if you don’t, you should.


Have you ever been to a networking event where there were hundreds of people? It’s overwhelming to say the least and close to impossible to introduce yourself to every person. Even worse than trying to meet everyone is trying to remember names. You meet terrific people and have promising conversations; however, later, you can’t remember which business card belonged to which face.


We’ve all left a networking event with a pile of business cards that we never use. With LinkedIn’s cool feature, networking events will be exponentially easier and more beneficial. While it’s ideal to build relationships face to face, in situations where you don’t get a chance, or just need to find a name in the room, this tool will be your best friend. The best part – it takes seconds.


To access this hidden gem of a tool, you must download LinkedIn’s mobile app. Once you download the app, open it and log in. 




Then, click the icon in the lower left corner with an image of two people. This is the “Connections” tab.




Next, click on the “Find Nearby” button under the search bar.




This enables your phone’s bluetooth and discovers any people in the area that are on LinkedIn and also have their bluetooth capabilities enabled. The page shows their profiles and allows you to connect with them at the click of a button.



That’s seriously it! Not enough people are aware of this feature. While maybe you shouldn’t look for connections at every gas station you stop at, you should use this LinkedIn tool at the next networking event or gathering you attend with professionals in your space or prospective clients.


This is by far the easiest way to gain new connections quickly. To increase the value of this tool and build real relationships, send your new contacts a message after they accept your connection request with a little information on how you met them (what event you were at), what you do, and how your company can benefit them.


LinkedIn is a wonderful platform; however, it won’t do the reaching out for you. Start the conversation, make connections often, and nurture your professional relationships.


While social media helps you create connections with your target audience, it can be hard to manage. Luckily, Axia Public Relations put together an e-book that’ll tackle any social media management questions you might have. Download Axia’s complimentary e-book “The Essential Social Media Management Guide” today to learn the best practices for social media success.  

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Hannah FeranHannah Feran is Axia’s shared media strategist. Clients appreciate Hannah’s attention to detail and passion to exceed their expectations. She works closely with clients to ensure their social media efforts are getting the attention they deserve from a carefully chosen audience. Hannah joined the Axia team in August 2018.


Featured photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels

Topics: shared media

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