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6 ways to engage journalists on social media

By Marjorie Comer

31301014_sIn order to earn media coverage for your company, it’s important to have good relationships with reporters. Axia Public Relations compiled 15 insider tips for earning media coverage for your company, and engaging a reporter on social media is tip No. 2. Engagement is key in establishing and building working relationships with journalists.

Not sure where to start? Follow these six steps to help you engage journalists on social media and build relationships with them.


1. Research

Start by researching reporters you want to connect with. Find their social media channels, read previous articles they wrote, and browse other webpages and articles with information about them in order to learn more. You may find you have the same alma mater or grew up in the same town.


2. Discover interests

Learn what hobbies or interests a reporter has. Maybe you both enjoy gardening or like Hawaiian pizza. This is a great way to connect.

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 3. Follow

Follow journalists on social media. This gives you insight to their personality and opinions, and provides an easy platform to communicate.

4. Comment
Comment on articles and posts reporters share on social media. Offer your opinion or use comments simply as a way to connect with a journalist.

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5. Tag 

Tag reporters in other posts or articles that you think will pique their interest.


6. Share

When you see that a reporter you’re looking to build a relationship with has written a new article, share it on your social media channels. In your post, say what you liked about the article and why others should read it.


By finding out what interests reporters, discovering what they’re writing about, and then liking and sharing their work, they become familiar with you and your name. When it comes time to pitch journalists, they recognize your name when it pops up on the caller ID or in their inbox and they answer or open the email. Download Axia Public Relations’ complimentary e-book “Learn Media Relations from the Media” for more tips on connecting with the media.

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marjorie-comer-portraitClients love Marjorie’s work ethic, speed and diligence. She has worked with Axia Public Relations since October 2011. Marjorie graduated from Rockhurst University with a Bachelor of Arts in communication and loves to cheer for her hometown Kansas City Royals. Learn more about Marjorie.


Featured image credit: 123rf.com

Topics: PR tips, shared media, earned media

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