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4 golden rules for working with bloggers

By Yulia Dianova

How to maximize your partnerships with bloggers

Build a good relationship between you and your bloggers.

Bloggers are the moving force of marketing. They spread the word about your brand and increase your traffic and leads. Long-term partnerships with bloggers will help you grow your business. How do you work with bloggers? What are the steps for success?

  1. Find your perfect match.

Before you pitch your company to a blogger, you need to do some research and make certain that this person is the perfect match for you. Make sure that your brand’s values align with your chosen blogger’s values before you start.

  1. Search for social proof.

When you find bloggers that you like, check their social media statistics and followings. This will tell you if they are established authorities in their niches. The bigger your chosen blogger’s following, the more exposure your brand will get.

  1. Trust your blogger.

After you’ve researched and made the decision to partner with a blogger, you have to develop a certain level of trust in his or her experience and skills. Most bloggers prefer to work autonomously and like their independence in making their decisions.

  1. Ask for a report.

In order for you to measure your progress with your blogger, you need to establish a certain routine for your blogger to report back to you. This will help you see if you’re achieving your business objectives or if you need to make changes to your plan.

Forming long-term relationships with a community of bloggers is a great way to increase public awareness about your brand, find new connections and prospects and establish your brand’s authority in your niche. The professionals at Axia Public Relations are experts in utilizing various content marketing and inbound marketing strategies. For more ways to maximize your inbound marketing efforts, download our inbound marketing guide today.

Topics: public relations, online public relations, blog

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