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3 reasons why your B2B company shouldn’t ignore the power of Facebook

By Jenni Stevens

45146613_sHow your company can make the most of this powerful platform

We all know that business competition is fierce and the noise on social media is getting louder and louder. With different opinions circulating around the web, how can your company differentiate itself, especially when it comes to its online presence?

Great social media marketing is all about conversations. So why wouldn’t you want your business-to-business (B2B) company engaging your target audience on a platform that has more than 1.4 billion monthly active users? While Facebook tends to be more business-to-customer (B2C) driven, there are opportunities for B2B companies to also utilize the platform. We compiled a list of three reasons why B2C and B2B companies should be on Facebook.

1. People expect you to be there. Period.

Having a presence on Facebook is a must. If you choose not to use this platform as a sales tool to connect with other B2B companies, it can be used for other strategic purposes. Many of your employees are on Facebook; therefore you can use it to show off employee engagement and company culture. This adds to the social media conversation and can help you stand out against your competition. Black Duck Software did a great job of engaging while showcasing their Black Ducks Around The World.

2. Your potential clients are watching you.

Social media is a great place to see how companies interact with their customers and clients, and Facebook is no different. Many mid- to large-sized companies use social media for real-time customer service inquiries and concerns. Starbucks is doing a great job of this by using a customized Facebook email address to answer customer service issues, whether they are online or in-store. Using Facebook to connect with your customers and potential clients will let them know that you handle customer service inquiries seriously. A win-win for both parties!

3. Facebook can help you streamline your PR campaign.

When your company has a Facebook page, you get access to free and valuable analytics. Your public relations team and Facebook page administrator have open access to Facebook insights, which allows them an in-depth look at your followers; what content does (and does not) work; as well as giving them a better grasp of who your audience is. In turn, all of this information becomes a critical tool to grow your communication and brand awareness.

Next time you question whether Facebook is the best platform for your company, remember that B2B is all about creating relationships and building trust with colleagues … and social media is a great way to create relationships and build trust.

For more ideas on how you can leverage the power of social media and public relations, download Axia Public Relations’  Social Media Management Guide, an in-depth guide to the best practices for your business.

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Jenni Stevens is social media and community engagement manager at Axia Public Relations. Her passion for social media and developing relationships through these platforms facilitates a connection with Axia’s clients and fans all over the country. Jenni studied mass communications at Southwest Texas State University and has more than 10 years of marketing and business administration under her belt.

Featured image credit: 123rf.com

Topics: public relations, B2B, shared media

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