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13 billion meals, $125 billion in sales. Are you in? Learn the best ways to pitch Food and Beverage magazine

By Lisa Goldsberry



Food and beverages have become more than just sustenance. Often, it seems like our whole lives revolve around food, from the ubiquitous business luncheon, specialty offerings at sporting events and carnivals and large holiday barbecues with family and friends, there is almost no place you can go where food and beverages are not at the forefront. Thankfully, we can satisfy our obsession for all things food with outlets like Food & Beverage magazine.


If you’re interested in learning more about the food and beverage industry and how to get you, your clients and your products featured in Food & Beverage magazine, join Axia Public Relations for our Meet the Media webinar, available at any time.


We will feature Michael Politz, executive editor/publisher for Food & Beverage magazine, who will discuss his role and share valuable insights about the business as well as the best ways to pitch ideas to the magazine. This webinar is a must for anyone connected to the food and beverage industry, or even average consumers who understand the wonders and power of food.


About Food and Beverage magazine:

  • The magazine is online only and operates by subscription.

  • Readers include food and beverage directors, wine directors, independent restaurant owners and executive chefs.

  • Readers collectively serve more than 13 billion meals annually. These full-service restaurateurs, executives and decision makers are responsible for $125 billion in annual sales.

  • The magazine is a recognized leader in the business-to-business food and hospitality industry.

With more than three million readers, foodies and industry professionals alike love Food & Beverage magazine. Due to the popularity of social media, anyone can gain insight and join the conversation about food and beverages. Topics the magazine covers include:

  • Chef profiles

  • Food news and trends, such as legislation that could potentially affect the industry

  • Collaborations between nonprofit organizations/foundations and food and beverage businesses, such as fundraising efforts

  • Company profiles

  • Information on the wine industry

  • Restaurant articles

  • Gift ideas

  • In-depth articles on various ways food impacts people and their lives

  • Awards and events

  • New product announcements

You can also find a searchable list of business listings and reviews in various categories.

In addition to articles written by staff, the magazine also accepts contributions from freelancers, food experts and PR professionals. If you can successfully answer these questions, you could have a chance of being featured:

What distinguishes your restaurant/product/client from the competition?

How do you communicate these differences to your audiences?


About Michael Politz

Michael Politz is the publisher at Food & Beverage magazine. Previously, he was a Ciroc Brand Ambassador of Las Vegas at Blue Flame Marketing. He is an active member at Mike Tyson Cares Foundation. He currently sits on the Board of Directors of the Nevada Restaurant Association as well as on the Board of Directors of the Nightclub and Bar, Beverage Retailer, Beverage and Food Convention and Trade Show in affiliation with The International Las Vegas Restaurant Show and Hospitality Expo. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in business from the University of Maryland College Park.


About the webinars

At Axia, we have webinars to give marketing and business executives, clients, prospective clients and PR professionals the chance to interact with media decision makers. Visit our website often for helpful tips and information on trends in the field and ways you can maximize your PR efforts.


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Lisa Goldsberry is a writer for Axia Public Relations with more than 15 years of public relations experience. She specializes in business, higher education and technology PR. Connect with Axia Public Relations on Twitter at @axiapr.

Topics: public relations

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