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5 practical steps to get media coverage at trade shows

By Yulia Dianova

60731489_s.jpgHow to get publicity and build connections with media

A trade show is a great opportunity to engage with your target audiences, such as your potential customers and clients, sponsors and investors and media representatives. It’s your chance to foster new connections with the media and to form long-lasting relationships. It’s always easier to connect with someone if you meet face-to-face. Trade shows allow you to meet journalists personally.

These simple steps will help you build long-term professional relationships with media representatives at trade shows.

  1. Do your homework.

If you want media attention, then you should know what they want. Try to provide marketing material for your media representatives, giving them a good idea what your business is about, what your mission is and what you have to offer.

  1. Invite as many as you can.

Journalists are very busy people. They have many assignments and many deadlines. Not all invited media will make it to the trade show. It makes sense to invite as many as possible to increase your chances of meeting journalists in person.

  1. Maximize your publicity efforts.

Try to gain maximum exposure for your business during trade shows. There are many ways to get media interested in your company and obtain media coverage. You can offer an exclusive interview, a behind-the-scenes piece or a Q&A session.

  1. Connect via social media.

It’s always good to reinforce your first connection with some interaction through social media. When you connect through social media, you’ll be able to keep track of journalists’ professional interests and what they’re writing about. You might even learn when their deadlines are. That will allow you to offer timely material for their publications.

  1. Respect privacy and don’t spam.

Journalists offer their trust when they put their names and contact information on your trade show guest list. Don’t undermine their trust by spamming them or sharing their information with a third party. Follow-ups, thank-you’s, invitations and occasional messages are the perfect way to stay in touch with your media representatives and grow your relationships.

Find out what journalists want and how to earn their trust as a go-to expert in your field. Download Axia Public Relations’ e-book Learn Media Relations From The Media today for more tips on connecting with the media.

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Yulia.jpgYulia Dianova is a public relations professional who is skilled in building relationships with target audiences. She provides counsel to organizations that seek PR help to further their growth and reach their goals. Yulia earned a master’s degree in public relations management from University of Maryland University College. She is fluent in Russian and English and is always looking for a new challenge. Yulia has worked for Axia Public Relations since July 2015. Learn more about Yulia Dianova. Connect with Axia on Twitter @axiapr or tell us what you think in the comments below.



Featured image credit: 123rf.com

Topics: media relations, public relations, trade shows

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