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PR Hack of the Week

Create relationships with journalists


Create strong relationships with journalists by always being available and trustworthy, being willing to pay things forward, and having stories that’ll appeal to their audiences.


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Topics: earned media, news media

A successful media pitch focuses on the audience


Want to increase the chance of a media outlet picking up your company’s pitches? Ensure that there’s something the audience will care about in the story. If there’s nothing in it for them, such as the content being noteworthy to them or having an impact on their lives, then journalists aren’t going to consider your pitches.


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Topics: earned media, news media

PR firms can't guarantee media coverage


Unless a PR firm owns a media outlet, you won’t get guaranteed media stories from them. If you do want guaranteed coverage, buy an ad. Otherwise, have a reliable and experienced public relations firm or staff to make great media pitches for your company.


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Topics: earned media, news media

The big earned media opportunity your PR is missing

Send your news – especially news that didn't receive coverage – to the social media desk. Many news outlets have a social media or digital desk, and they’re always looking for great content to publish on shared media channels.

Topics: earned media

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