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Launch Strategy 


The basics of Axia's launch strategy.

Strategic Insights | StoryBrand BrandScript | Ideation | Strategic Plan | Media Training


When launching a successful public relations program, messaging and strategy might be the most important components. While our industry colleagues may jump into the tactics and activities of corporate communications, we highly recommend starting with a solid foundation.


There’s a quote famously attributed to Abraham Lincoln: "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” The moral is the importance of preparation, and we couldn’t agree more.


We’ve developed our five-step process as a launch strategy for any PR, corporate communications, or content marketing program. You are welcome to invest in the entire package at a discounted rate or purchase individual elements at full price. For best results, we recommend taking advantage of all five elements.


Our unique, documented, and proven process will build a solid foundation for your company's PR strategy and messaging. Each of the five steps builds on the previous one. As we complete each step, we'll present it to you for input and approval before continuing to the next step.


Using our processes, training, and certifications, Axia will provide:‌


Dartboard graphic showing how Axia does strategies. icon 1 1. Strategic Insights ($5,000/one-time: Buy Now)


Your message must target the bullseye of your critical audience's needs. During our Strategic Insights process, we'll identify unique insights from your brand, study three to five competitors, and evaluate a target buyer analysis. Armed with industry interviews and data from Forrester, Gallup, Gartner, McKinsey, Pew Research Center, MRI-Simmons, Mintel, industry trade media, and more, we'll identify specific issues your buyers face. We'll compare those findings to where your competitors' messages land to identify messaging gaps and opportunities. We'll score those messages and revise them to fit the buyer's real needs so your messaging lands exactly on target. This creates an actionable strategy that breaks through the clutter and impacts the marketplace.


 icon 22. StoryBrand BrandScript ($5,000/one-time: Buy Now)


Graphic showing how StoryBrand BrandScript works.Once we know your critical audience's needs, we'll apply our seven-part storytelling framework to develop a custom, clear, compelling, audience-focused, and empathetic message that builds trust and maximizes your brand’s connection with your critical audience(s). We begin by analyzing your consumers and developing a buyer persona. We then take this persona through a story that ends with them purchasing your products or services. This works by establishing a problem your persona needs to solve, guiding them to a solution, providing steps to solve the issue, calling them to do an action, reminding them what they would miss without the product or service, and ultimately leading them to purchase your products or services. 


  icon 33. !D8 & !nnov8 Brainstorming Session ($5,000/one-time: Buy Now)


How Axia does ideation.From our approved Strategic Insights and StoryBrand BrandScript, we understand your audience better and what messages resonate with them. Next, we'll develop and present creative ideas to generate visibility for your brand. 

Since 2016, we've studied, borrowed from, and improved upon the best brainstorming practices from some of the world's most innovative companies, including Apple, Disney, Google, Lucas Films, Marvel, and Pixar.

When our team finishes ideating, we'll present several ideas to you and your team – one slide per idea – during a live video conference. 

Some of these ideas you'll love; some could be so expansive they might frighten you. Ultimately, we'll recommend ideas you can implement with us, or we'll find the organization(s) that can implement ideas we can't if you desire to hire us to explore them.


 icon 44. Custom 12-Month Strategic Plan ($12,500/one-time: Buy Now)


The basics of Axia's launch strategy.Using the approved Strategic Insights, StoryBrand BrandScript, and ideas, we'll develop a 12-month custom strategic plan with critical audiences and personas; specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely, ethical, and recorded (SMARTER) objectives; key messages; media contacts and industry influencer lists; content and activity calendars, including done for you (DFY), done with you (DWY), and do it yourself (DIY) recommendations and investment options; key performance indicators; and a quarterly evaluation framework.


  icon 55. MediaMaster, News Media Spokesperson Training ($5,000/one-time: Buy Now)


A spokesperson getting training.In the final stage of the launch strategy, we'll provide news interview media training for up to four company expert spokespersons. These individuals will receive a certification for completing a first-class media training program. This certification helps your spokesperson stand out and gives the media confidence that they'll provide a successful interview. We'll quote rates for optional travel and any additional participants.


Timing: Since we present each of these in stages to allow for your input and each stage builds from the previous one, we estimate about 30 to 60 days are needed to complete this engagement, depending on your availability as the client and our agency team's prior commitments.


Total Investment: $40K/one-time prepaid


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