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Public Speaking Engagements

To influence and engage your organization’s most critical audiences, you must get in front of them. Our PR agency offers a speakers bureau for your company to find the perfect public, industry, conference, and company speaking engagements and appearances to maximize exposure.


Public speaking engagements are excellent opportunities for your organization to share its unique message and gain industry credibility.


Speaking engagements provide the opportunity to raise visibility, interact with prospective clients, and reconnect with existing ones. They also give your organization an opportunity to market its ideas, increase awareness, and enhance its reputation. However, identifying and securing public speaking opportunities can be difficult:


1. You want to be a known, proven, and trusted entity to the event planners and meeting organizers or be referred to them by a credible third-party (someone they like, know, and trust).

2. Most conferences or events only have room for up to three, six, or potentially nine main-stage speakers (also known as anchor or keynote speakers).

3. Most credible event organizers book their in-person keynote speakers 6-9 months in advance before the event. Some even book 9-12 months in advance. For virtual events, it might be three months in advance.


As a speakers bureau for your company's leaders and experts, we help get executives placed for public speaking engagements in the right places to reach your critical audiences.


Three types of speaking opportunities

There are typically three types of speaking engagements that occur at an industry or company conference or inside an organization:


1. Paid professional speakers
Paid speaking gigs are typically reserved for established, well-known professional speakers. These are often for main-stage professional speakers.


Professional public speakers:


• Have household consumer name, niche industry business, or celebrity fame with social media following to attract more paying event attendees

• Are choreographed performers with a stage presentation that's been carefully crafted, planned, plotted, rehearsed, and delivered hundreds or thousands of times

• Offer a transformational experience for the audience made up of dozens of micro-moments and signature bits

• Deliver some actionable takeaways to the audience that they can implement right away (optional)

• Have a speaker's resume with glowing references
• Have a powerful highlight reel demonstrating their signature bits and stage presence


These speakers may receive 4-7 figures for a one-hour keynote. In addition, organizations may pay these speakers to speak privately to their employees or customers.

Learn more about our speaking services

2. Earned 
An expert speaker may earn a speaking opportunity and not look to receive payment. Some experts speak exclusively for the visibility. Sometimes, expert speakers receive a modest honorarium or travel stipend, depending on the speaker's fame, expertise, and the event's budget. These opportunities might not take place as a keynote on the main stage. They might be in smaller ballrooms or auditoriums as breakout sessions, often considered a better platform for training or workshopping topics that provide actionable takeaways.

3. Sponsored 
These are speaking opportunities where speakers pay for the platform and audience. We don't prefer these "pay for play" speaking opportunities where the speaking opportunity is associated with a paid event sponsorship. However, these arrangements have become more accessible and common since the Great Recession. These opportunities might not take the main stage. Some of our clients want every available opportunity to get in front of the right audience and are willing to pay a sponsorship fee to receive these opportunities. Meanwhile, other clients prefer to avoid sponsorship-based speaking opportunities altogether.


We manage all three types for our clients.

Our typical client is mostly interested in earning (unpaid) speaking engagements and is open to hearing more about sponsorship opportunities. Most clients aren't looking for paid speaking engagements. To be a paid speaker, you likely need to be a celebrity and/or a trained professional public speaker. A professional speaker has a strong transformative speaking performance, accompanied by a speaking resume, reel, testimonials, references, and social media following.


We will get the job done for you.

Our trained team of professionals recognizes the importance of boosting an organization's visibility through public speaking. Whether you're looking for large, national audiences or small, local ones, our KeyNote public speaking program can identify these special speaking opportunities. We'll pitch and secure your engagement, and then upon request, we can promote your appearance.


Axia's three-step documented proven process

Using our unique, documented, proven processes, training, and certifications, Axia will help your organization earn business, industry, trade media, and community speaking engagements.


Graphic showing Axia's process for getting someone a speaking engagement.

Step I: Research & Recommend
You'll complete our short speaker and organization questionnaires.


As part of our unique process, we'll prepare a:

• Executive feature magazine-style biographical profile written by a People Magazine writer for your speaker/media kit

• Professional speaker/media kit with an organization overview and/or fact sheet

• Sample speaking agreement (which must be reviewed with your trusted legal adviser)


For certain client packages, as a unique feature of our PR agency, we might also:

  • Refer your expert to our recommended public speaking training organization for a free two-day session.
  • Submit your expert to various professional public speaking directories.
  • Submit your expert to Associated Press AP Planner, AP Newsroom, and AP Resource Desk, which reaches 15,000 AP and other newsrooms (WSJ, NYT, NPR, etc.) directories worldwide. Conference and meeting organizers, attorneys seeking expert witnesses, and journalists and academics seeking industry experts use this tool.
  • Perform our unique Strategic Insights process, which includes researching your brand, competition, and target buyer. 

We'll quote those services individually and as needed.

Meanwhile, we'll research one year's worth of corporate, industry association, conference, corporate, and/or community speaking opportunities. We then recommend and rank those speaking opportunities in three tiers (good, better, best fit) based on the platform and audience prominence, which opportunities reach your organization's critical audience, and which ones your speaker(s) has the best opportunity to compete in for placement.

Step II: Submit & Apply
After Step I, we'll collaborate on your desired speaking opportunities. Here, we'll focus on pitching speaking engagements where you are selected for conferences and events through a request for speaker form or other submission or application process. In addition, based on your unique needs and direction, we can also seek sponsored speaking engagements where you might pay a sponsorship fee to get stage time, also known as "pay for play." And in cases where you have a professional speaking resume, reel, and reputation, we can seek speaking opportunities in which the organization pays you to speak. Typically, paid engagements are reserved for the main stage, visionary keynote speakers, or speakers hired to speak privately to an organization's employees or customers. We manage all these opportunities, with most speakers focused on earned speaking engagements (where you do not pay to speak, and they do not pay you to speak). You want to speak for the visibility and ideally "stage-side leads."


Many industry conference speaking opportunities require a competitive "call for submissions" form and a unique application process. The pitch and submission process includes coordinating, researching, writing, revising, editing, submitting, and following up. Some speaking opportunities require a comprehensive submission with significant background information, while others need less detailed submissions.


To that end, we'll either individually quote project rates for submitting for each speaking opportunity or an annual program to manage submissions for the selected speaking opportunities. Most clients prefer we quote an ongoing annual program to manage their desired speaking opportunities and for budgeting purposes.


Step III: Share & Promote (optional)

Once we secure interest (a "lead"), we will immediately make an introduction to the conference organizer or meeting planner with your speaker and/or their designated contact to coordinate times, technology, travel, etc. So, the opportunity is quickly and easily booked.


Because earning speaking engagements increases your organization's visibility and lends credibility to the organization and your target audience (from clients and customers to employees, investors, and suppliers), Axia recommends developing news, social media, and web content to promote your speaker and each opportunity to expand their reach and platform with social media, blogging, website design and development, search engine optimization, podcasting, videos, speaker video highlight reel, and more. That scope of work is also available from us for an additional investment.


"If you try to make three points, you make no points." – James Carville


Can you help me get booked for speaking engagements?
Yes! Unless you are a professional public speaker, we typically focus on earning speaking engagements in which you aren't charged nor paid to speak. However, some organizations and associations charge a fee for stage time, while others pay you to speak and/or cover your out of pocket travel expenses. It depends on your reputation, prominence, experience, capabilities, performance, and your desired organization's or association's budget for outside speakers.


I'm only interested in paid speaking engagements. Can you help me with that?
Sure! If your priority is getting paid to speak, that raises expectations for everyone. Are you a professional public speaker who's professional trained and well-rehearsed?


Typically, paid speakers are professional public speakers.

  • Professional public speakers have a proven track record of successful speaking engagements. They are visionary speakers who delight and entertain audiences. They have a strong performance and stage presence, a speaker's resume, glowing references, and a powerful highlight reel demonstrating their signature bits and stage presence. Send us your speaker reel and speaking resume so we can evaluate your work!
  • You should also be able to demonstrate a loyal and engaged social media following that might increase paying event attendees.
  • If you don't have these yet, we can help you get them.
  • If you haven't already done so, you'll likely need to complete a series of unpaid speaking engagements to build your brand, platform, visibility, clout, experience, confidence, messaging, performance, stage presence, and reputation.
  • You may even need some public speaking coaching. We can help you here, and we can refer you to more comprehensive and intense training programs. 

If you're an expert or a visionary, we can develop unique initial opportunities to get you paid or get you started and launched by some initial unpaid speaking engagements. One technique might be to get you booked in front of corporate groups or presenting to a company's (department of) employees.

Are my travel expenses covered when I speak?
Yes, reasonable travel expenses are negotiable when the organization has a budget for travel reimbursement. What's more typical is a small honorarium. You should always ask yourself, "Am I willing to speak to this group without payment and cover my travel expenses to be there?"


I need help preparing my presentation and coaching my onstage performance. Do you help with that?

Yes, we can help you with the basics. If you need more intense training – which most non-professional speakers do – or if you're serious about becoming a professional speaker, we know where to refer you for that unique coaching and training. Ask us!

How long does it take to get booked for speaking engagements?

Most credible event organizers book their in-person main stage keynote speakers about 6-9 months before the event. Some even book a year in advance. Virtual events might be as little as three months in advance. Remember that event planners and conference organizers only look for up to 3-9 keynote main-stage speakers per event. That means this process is competition. You can do it, but it's going to take time – and a big idea, visionary, transformational message, and performance that serves the audience.


Buy a KeyNote package.

Option #1: Find Opportunities

Scope: Research, identify, rank, and share up to 50 recommended public speaking, conferences, and corporate event opportunities for your organization's executives and experts – including keynote, panel, or workshop opportunities – from industry and enthusiasts associations’ conference and meeting events databases, corporate training databases, and other resources.

To identify events aligned with your corporate goals and critical audience demographics, Axia reviews each potential speaking opportunity against factors such as topic and audience relevance, audience size, and overall impact to rank these opportunities based on their potential to increase your organization’s visibility and thought leadership.

This curated list serves as a strategic guide, empowering you and your executives and experts to make informed decisions about your participation, maximizing the impact of each speaking engagement on your company's visibility within the target audience’s community, industry conferences, and other events.


Timeline: Approx. 30-60 days

Option #2: Speaker Material

Scope: Write and design a professional speaker/media kit in a PDF format, including: 

  • An executive feature style 1-2 page bio written by our People Weekly magazine writer for use in your media kit 
  • A speaker stage introduction biography
  • One-page backgrounder  (organization/services summary)
  • Speaker’s related experience document, including relevant awards, certifications, and associations
  • Product descriptions and availability, including books and training courses
  • Statement of value an audience receives
  • Highlights of high-profile speaking events and client names
  • Testimonials and references sheet from previous engagements
  • Links to a speaker sizzle reel and/or past speaking engagement clip(s)*
  • Sample speaking topics
  • Speaker photo(s)*

Write and design a professional speaker application/submission: 

  • Collaborate and develop a presentation title, topic, summary, full description, outline,  target audience, the audience’s learnings and takeaways, topic categories and related keywords, industry relevance, and speaking format.
  • Identify and recommend relevant continuing education unit (CEU) topic tie-ins (if applicable).

Timeline: Approx. 30-60 days


*Additional cost if not provided by the Client


Option #3: Submissions

Scope: Submit up to 40 mutually agreed-upon speaking opportunities and their meeting planner/event organizer contacts. 

  • Follow up three times.
  • Facilitate quick introductions to coordinate time, travel, and technology logistics.

Post the speaker bio and profile to 3-5 speaker and expert profile directories to attract more speaking leads and opportunities from meeting planners.


Timeline: Approx. 30-60 days

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