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PR Firm for Family Entertainment Centers

Hello, and welcome to Axia Public Relations! We’re so glad you’ve stopped by! If you’re on the hunt for a stellar PR team for your family entertainment center, there are three specific ways that Axia is unique when compared to other PR firms:

  1. We’re PR experts — We’ve handled nearly every PR scenario you can imagine. Our proven successful track record demonstrates that we’ve got this!

  2. We understand that traditional PR doesn’t work anymore — Inbound marketing is a method of virtually attracting new customers to your company. We’re proud to be an inbound marketing partner agency with HubSpot

  3. Value Driven Approach — Instead of charging our clients for each individual aspect of a project, we focus on results. We utilize a flat-rate billing system instead of tracking hours, which allows us to focus on value. We believe hourly billing is in neither your best interest nor ours, so we avoid it as often as possible.

A family entertainment center with various games

What is PR?

A common misconception we encounter is the belief that public relations is “just marketing.” There is often a lack of understanding; what exactly is PR and what does it do? Public relations shares some of the same goals as marketing, such as increasing exposure and sales for your firm. However, PR has a bigger picture focus than simple paid media unlike our advertising agency and marketing generalist friends. Specifically, public relations exists at the crossroads of (1) news media, (2) social media, and (3) web media. 


News media, or “earned media,” is when you use media relations to earn the opportunity to appear in a news story. People consume news for information, education, and entertainment. We include speaking engagements, winning awards, guest appearance on podcasts, spokesperson media training, and crisis management among our PR news services. Social media, or “shared media,” is online user-generated content. This may include social networking; online reviews; reputation management; influencer marketing; influencer sites like groups, questions, and answers; and other sites featuring user-generated content. People turn to such media to share and discover content. Finally, there is web media, or “owned media,” which is content you’ve created and have full control over. This may include websites, blogs, newsrooms, search engine optimization, inbound marketing, email marketing, landing pages, etc. People intentionally visit websites to find this sort of specific content. 


When combined and managed effectively, all of these aspects create a killer PR campaign, guaranteeing positive exposure and increased leads for your family entertainment center. At Axia PR, we book speaking engagements for you, submit your business to be nominated for awards in your field, and manage and review your online reviews among other services. This ensures the public has positive associations with your company and trusts your company to deliver. 

Why Hire a PR Team?

If the above information left you feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone! Many companies and brands feel intimidated by all the potential avenues they must manage to create positive exposure and visibility, increase sales, and gain customers’ trust. Keeping track of all these different channels can be a drain on your resources and employees who should be focusing on your current customers. Hiring Axia PR to manage it all for you allows your employees to focus solely on your business and your customers while we generate new leads and maintain positive community relationships. 


Not to mention, PR is measurable, meaning you’ll be able to track which customers and sales come as a direct result of our efforts. At Axia PR, we are among the industry leaders who are creating a cultural shift in public relations reporting, measurement, and evaluation best practices to effectively measure PR and PR’s ROI at your company or firm. You’ll never be left in the dark, wondering if our efforts have paid off; we’ll tell you!

PR Services for Family Entertainment Centers

On the whole, public relations manages news media, social media, and web media, so what does that break down to exactly? Below is a more detailed description of just some of the services we provide for our clients: 

  • News Media Coverage — Our PR firm earns positive news media coverage for your company, its products/services, leaders, opinions, ideas, and innovations, ultimately building your brand and reputation by increasing visibility, trust, and loyalty among target industry contacts and consumers.

  • Crisis Communications Management — Every company faces a crisis at one point or another. Not having a crisis communications plan in place could mean the end of your company. If you handle a crisis correctly, you minimize and even leverage it to build deeper trust with customers and the community.

  • Online Review & Reputation Management — Positive reviews drive customers to your company, and negative reviews drive them away, costing you money. With your reputation at stake, how can you keep up and protect your brand on thousands of review sites? Axia Public Relations offers a revolutionary review management platform to effectively and efficiently monitor, collect, and promote your online reviews.

  • Social Media Management — Of all internet users, 74% are active on social media, making it an extremely effective tool for reaching most audiences. Our PR agency can manage your social media profiles and efficiently engage your target audience to get you the visibility boost you want.

  • Website Design & Development — Axia Public Relations designs and develops custom, growth-driven websites for companies that want impressive and effective sites that speak to their target audiences.

  • Inbound Marketing — Inbound is a web marketing methodology that is education-based rather than interruption-based. Its focus is on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

These are just some of the services we offer to our clients. We also offer spokesperson training, award entries, brand influencers connections, podcast appearances, booked speaking engagements, expert blogging, and more!

Contact Us Today for Your Free Consultation! 

There’s no question your family entertainment center could benefit from an expertly run PR campaign and ongoing PR management! Visit our Become a Client form, give us a call at 888-PR-FIRM-8 (888-773-4768), and let’s schedule a free consultation to go over your business’ needs and begin building your media empire!