Leverage Google, YouTube, and Bing's suggestions to capture 71% of the traffic.
Imagine having near-exclusive access to 71% of the search engine traffic for your company’s most desired keywords. From Bing to YouTube and Google, our team knows how to influence search engines’ autocomplete predictions called “search predictions” (formerly suggestions) to drive more traffic to your website.
Axia's team began digital marketing in 1994 and search engine optimization in 1998. Today, digital content remains our specialty, and by working in content marketing for more than two decades, we’ve uncovered the newest and most powerful search engine optimization technique: Autocomplete – a unique feature of our company.
When a web searcher sees your company name suggested in the search box of the search engine’s prediction results, they will have a higher confidence level as a first impression of your organization. In addition, they'll click on that suggestion 71% of the time, according to Google.
According to Google, "Autocomplete predictions reflect real searches done on Google. "To determine what predictions to show, [Google’s] systems look for common queries that match what someone starts to enter into the search box but also consider:
"These factors allow autocomplete to show the most helpful predictions unique to a particular location or time, such as trending topics.
“In addition to full search predictions, Autocomplete may also predict individual words and phrases that are based on both real searches as well as word patterns found across the web.”
Start typing the keywords below and see what happens as the search engine predicts your search with Autocomplete as the following organizations use this technique:
Christini's Ristorante Italiano
Christini's Ristorante Italiano, who hired us for public relations work, is using this technique as the only brand name that appears as a search box prediction as you start typing "fine dining Orlando" on Bing, YouTube, and Google.
On Bing, you'll see Walmart is experimenting with the Autocomplete search engine optimization technique (in Target's backyard!). Try it by entering "groceries Minneapolis" in the Bing search box, and Walmart store 2154 immediately appears as a predictive suggestion. (Walmart is actively using this SEO technique then you should have confidence in this white hat SEO technique.)
Attorney Michael O. Smith
Michael O. Smith, a Boston personal injury attorney, dominates Google's autocomplete search box prediction when searching for a personal injury attorney.
Want to see more? Help yourself to see the sample results and user experience firsthand.
On YouTube, begin typing:
You will then see the company name firsthand, live and in action.
Try typing "Los Angeles plumbing" on Google and Bing to see the results yourself:
100%, yes! Results are guaranteed. After we receive your initial reservation fee, you only pay us when you're ranking in the search box prediction. So there's no risk! If you don’t rank, you don’t pay.
These are dropdown results search engines automatically suggest when predicting what a user begins to type in a search engine query. This search box optimization technique allows your organization to position itself as an authority, outsmart your competition, and gain more search engine traffic. This was previously known as Google Suggest or search engine suggestions.
You need to know two terms: keyword phrase and tag phrase. Your selected keyword is the “keyword phrase” a user starts to type. It typically includes a description of your product and services, perhaps a city, industry, or other description followed by your “tag phrase,” which is usually your brand or organization's name. Your tag phrase appears after the selected keyword phrase (e.g. dental practice in Pittsburgh Aspen Dental whereas dental practice is the keyword phrase and Aspen Dental is the tag phrase).
The investment varies based on which keyword phrases and search engines you select. We quote your selected keyword phrase based on its monthly search volume which is often also an indicator of its level of SEO competition and difficulty. We use a third-party tool called keywordtool.io to identify search terms and monthly search volume. Depending on monthly search volume, the pricing ranges. For example:
• A national company spends $35K/mo for a keyword with 700K monthly searches.
• A local company with a keyword phrase under 5K searches/month invests $414/mo per keyword phrase per search engine – our smallest engagement.
• A national company with a national keyword phrase under 1K searches/month invests $414/mo per keyword phrase per search engine – our smallest engagement.
Google states that 71% of all users engage in its autocomplete search predictions. When a user looks for your company’s product or service and sees the search engines predict your company name as a suggestion in the autocomplete suggestion field, it increases their confidence in your company’s brand. Consumers are more likely to click when confident in your brand. Therefore, our clients experience an immediate spike in site traffic, domain authority, and inbound leads from this service.
No. Google, Bing, and YouTube look at trends to influence search predictions. Our process uses the power of public relations and social proof to gain authority for your website. If we used black or gray hat methods, this technique wouldn't work. We create and build social influences to develop more online visibility. We use these public relations and white hat search engine optimization techniques to meet Google, Bing, and YouTube’s algorithm criteria for determining what to suggest in the autocomplete prediction.
It’s a three-step process:
Based on our experience, this process only works with Google after your keyword predicts on Bing or YouTube. So we must start there.
We recommend selecting a proven keyword your organization will value for many years. If you need help determining which keywords are best for your company, we charge a one-time $1,000 consultation fee to help you with this.
Your selected keyword and tag phrase must be 45 or fewer characters.
Once you’ve hired us to optimize a keyword phrase in the search box autocomplete, that phrase is no longer available from us to other organizations, including your competitors, for the duration of our business relationship.
Yes. Customers use search engines like Google, Bing, and YouTube because they have a need or want. When they begin their search, they are a prospect. When they see the suggested search prediction content, including your company name, they’ll likely click on the autocomplete suggestion.
Upon clicking, most predicted results they see will be on the search engine results page (SERP) and likely feature your company and its listings. (Of course, sponsored, pay-for-click, or Google Guaranteed content might display within these SERPs.) Once they click on your content, they’re now shopping for your company and might eventually become a registered lead by completing a form or become a registered customer by purchasing directly from your site.
After you’re enjoying targeted traffic from the autocomplete search box prediction and suggestion, you might want to continue traditional PPC to access the other 30% of consumers who don’t engage with Autocomplete’s suggested feature. It’s up to you to assess and evaluate the traffic and conversions.
We’d highly recommend continuing your current SEO efforts. However, it’s not required, and we’d be happy to explore taking over your SEO or integrating that scope of work and corresponding investment into our Autocomplete service.
Yes. Although we cannot track your phone calls or in-person visits, we can show you how to track increased traffic to your website and produce regular reports demonstrating additional traffic and value we’re driving to your company’s website(s).
The time it takes can vary depending on the competitiveness of your selected keyword phrase. Generally, we expect your selected keyword phrases to be suggested on Bing searches within 60 to 75 days, on YouTube within three to four months, and on Google within five to eight months.
For local search phrases and lower monthly search volume keywords (under 5K), it takes approximately two to three months for Bing, three to four months for YouTube, and seven to eight months for Google. National and high traffic search terms (15K+ MSV), on the other hand, takes approximately three to five months for Bing, four to six months for YouTube, and nine to 10 months for Google.
Aside from the reservation or any optional consulting fees, you don’t pay us for this service until you’re ranked as an autocomplete suggestion in the selected search engine’s search box results.
No. Unlike other search engine optimization companies, you don’t pay any monthly fee until your search term appears in the autosuggest of the search box. We have a four-step investment process:
That’s simple.
Search Box Autocomplete (SBA)
Autocomplete is a unique marketing platform none of your competitors will have.
This opportunity allows you to be in front of:
Additional advantages:
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