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How to earn more money in your career at Axia

The more income you drive within the company, the more you’ll make.


High-performance organizations implement pay-for-performance programs to reward the right behaviors and motivate individuals to drive organizational results.


As discussed during our employment interview, we generally do not provide annual salary increases for simply being on the job for another year.


Instead, we seek high-performing employees and provide them opportunities and incentives that come with unlimited earning potential. Employees can earn more money through the following compensation opportunities, including our unique monthly profit-sharing program:

  1. Improve top-line revenue
  2. Improve the middle line
  3. Refer great employment candidates
  4. Maximize retirement match
  5. Professional development

Here are the steps you can take to materially impact your value to our company, clients, and, ultimately, your personal earnings:


1. Improve top-line revenue.
Grow adjusted gross income from past, current, and new clients.

  1. Retain your clients: Wow them.
    1. Be a trusted adviser.
    2. Demonstrate creativity.
    3. Earn results that impact their organization.

  2. Increase your client billings by growing existing clients.
    1. Create an action plan to grow each client by 5-10% year over year.
    2. This pays a commission — for life (see below).
    3. It also improves your and your teammates’ monthly profit share.

  3. Earn a commission for life.
    When we sign a new client from your introduction, we gladly pay you a percentage of the AGI when that lead becomes a client:
    1. 5% for scheduling the first meeting.
    2. 5% when your idea or conversation grows an existing client.

  4. Ask a client for a referral (see “commission for life” above).

2. Improve the middle line.
Eliminate waste or unnecessary expenses.

  1. Identify areas to reduce or eliminate expenses associated with our company’s overhead costs.
  2. Negotiate better rates with vendors. Ask for three quotes, each with three options.
  3. Identify ways to create new or improve existing documented-proven processes that save time or costs.

3. Refer great employment candidates.
Earn $1,000 by referring a recommended candidate to an open employment opportunity.

    1. Earn a $500 bonus on their start date.
    2. Earn a $500 bonus on their 91st day.

4. Maximize your 401K match.
We match 3% of your base salary in our 401(k) retirement savings program.


5. Learn a new skill or certification that attracts, retains, and grows clients.

Apply your professional development training and experiences to generate new results and value to our company.


Remember to track your quarterly results associated with these five categories and share your success and accomplishments with your direct supervisor as an addendum to our quarterly 360º 5-Minute Performance Review session.



  1. Salary Increases Should Be Tied to Profitability, Not Longevity
  2. Annual Reviews: Why You Should Separate Performance and Pay 
  3. The Case for Decoupling Performance Reviews from Salary Talks Medium