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Onoma corporate branding package 


Using its unique documented proven processes, training, and certifications, Axia will provide:‌

  • Corporate Logo:
    Presentation of up to 3-5 custom vector logo design concepts that will evolve into the final logo design

  • Corporate Brand Standards Style Guide:
    Logo guidelines developed to create and documented to maintain a recognizable professional brand signature, including its core color palette, typography hierarchy, voice, imagery, and iconography specifications that make up your brand's visual style

  • Social Media Icons:
    Provide the logo image to the exact specifics of each of the major social media channels' profile images and a banner for each major social media channel

  • Corporate Identity Package:
    Business cards, letterhead, second sheets, #10 envelopes, catalog envelopes, shipping labels, and name tags designs

  • Website:
    Initial homepage and sample interior page design concept

  • Each deliverable includes up to three concepts with up to three sets of revisions to the selected concept.
    Additional sets of revisions are billed at $150 per hour.

Investment: $66K prepaid


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