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Get more from PR with one e-book

By Lisa Goldsberry

public-relations-invetmentTHUMB_2Axia Public Relations’ guide is a must for anyone who works with or uses PR

Is your PR firm doing everything possible to contribute to your company’s success? You may have garnered a few media hits or organized a sensational event, but surely there must be more you can do. With the Axia Public Relations’ e-book Maximizing Your Public Relations Investment, you can learn how to use PR for all its worth.

PR initiatives can help you at every stage of the sales cycle and assist in getting a jump on the competition, especially when you know how to use every possible tool and tactic. This helpful e-book is full of strategies and tips to help you keep up the momentum and extend the reach of your PR efforts.

Top 3 tips you will learn from the e-book

Optimize your media coverage – Your PR team worked very hard at attracting journalists’ attention and earning key media placements, but getting a story about your company in a publication or on the news is just the beginning. You need to extend the lifespan of your media coverage by using owned media such as your social media channels and website.

You can use great PR as a tool for sales and marketing – When you make PR a part of your overall strategic plan, it can significantly impact on your bottom line. For example, PR initiatives can help build awareness of your product and strengthen relationships with prospects so that when your sales team makes a pitch, it’s more likely to be successful because the background work is already done.

Identify opportunities for remarketing and repurposing PR – If you have just finished a triumphant PR campaign, you might be eager to develop the next one. However, it is vital to squeeze out every profitable opportunity from the campaign you completed. For instance, you can turn a blog post into a speech for your CEO to deliver at a community event or you can submit your campaign for an industry award. Both would extend the life of the campaign and reach new audiences.

How this can increase your ROI

Studies show that it now takes more than 20 touch points to move consumers on from the attraction stage of the buyer’s journey to convert them into paying customers. Expanding the reach of PR campaigns and media coverage can achieve some of those touch points.

Additionally, consumers typically have short attention spans. Out-of-sight translates to out-of-mind. Consequently, when they see your company’s name all the time, it’s more likely to stick in their minds and stay there, which is crucial once they are finally ready to make a decision on whether to purchase from you or your competition.

In business, perception is often reality. With a steady stream of information about your company appearing in various places, the public will assume that your business must be doing well. By optimizing your PR efforts, you can boost your exposure and, as a result, increase your profits. This means you get more real results from your initial PR investment.

Let Axia show you the way

Axia Public Relations provides this guide to help you maximize your investment. This way, you can make the most advantageous decisions about what is best for your company’s success. Download Maximizing Your Public Relations Investment today or contact us to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals and grow your business.

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Lisa-G-Color-SMLisa Goldsberry is a writer for Axia Public Relations with more than 15 years of public relations experience. She specializes in business, higher education and technology PR. Connect with Axia Public Relations on Twitter 







Featured image credit: 123rf.com

Topics: public relations

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