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7 tips for gaining more social media followers for your company

By Yulia Dianova

49992714_sYour social media strategy only works if you have followers, and gaining new followers can ultimately translate into more business. So how do you attract more followers for your company?


Organic growth does not happen overnight; it requires time and considerable effort. Below, you will find seven tips that can help you gain more social media followers for your company and grow your business.


1. Be consistent.

Social media is a great vehicle for delivering your company’s message to your target audiences. One key element of your strategy must be consistency: Your company needs to maintain a consistent and continuous presence in social media. Here are some ways you can do that:

  • Create an editorial calendar for your posts and stick to it.

  • Plan your social media content well ahead of time.

  • Use automated social media tools like Hootsuite, ViralHeat or Buffer to schedule your content.

  • It is important to determine the exact optimal frequency of posts for your particular audience.

2. Have great content to share.

Be selective in what you post and carefully choose your content. Make sure your information is worthy of your target audience’s attention and time. Use such platforms as Feedly, Flipboard and Holykow to help you choose your content.


3. Be helpful.

Post content that your readers find useful. You are writing for them, after all – not for yourself. Make sure that everything you post is interesting to your target audiences. Captivate them with your stories, tell them something new and surprise them with your knowledge and expertise.


4. Use visuals.

Include high-quality photos, infographics, charts and videos in your posts. Social media statistics show that people are more likely to respond to posts that contain images and videos than to plain-text posts. Great platforms to help you create visuals include Canva and PicMonkey.


5. Listen to your audiences and engage with them.

Ultimately, you want your followers’ feedback on what you post, so do not ignore them when they say something. Reply to their comments and thank them for their input. Answer their questions and encourage further comments to keep your conversation going. It’s fun and great for keeping your followers engaged.


6. Use analytics.

Analytics will help you determine what content your audiences are most interested in. Pay attention to what posts get the most shares and likes. You should also pay close attention to timing. Make sure your content goes live at the best time for your audiences. This will increase the probability that they will read and share it.


7. Reward loyal followers with giveaways.

Show your appreciation by occasionally giving away free stuff or discounts for your products or services in exchange for sharing your content with others.


At Axia Public Relations, we want your social media strategy to be a success so that it can help your business succeed. Get started on taking your social media efforts to the next level with our Social Media Management Guide.


Learn more: How to Set Up a Money-Making Influencer Space at Home

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YuliaYulia Dianova is a public relations professional who is skilled in building relationships with target audiences. She provides counsel to organizations that seek PR help to further their growth and reach their goals. Yulia earned a master’s degree in public relations management from University of Maryland University College. She is fluent in Russian and English and is always looking for a new challenge.



Featured image credit: 123rf.com

Topics: public relations, shared media

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