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3 principles to help you build a data-driven communications culture

By Paul R. Witkowski

46618767_s.jpgLearn to use data to drive your communications strategy

Some business owners and managers say that if they spend all their time logging data, they will never get any real work done. If you feel there’s some truth to this, here are some points to consider that will help you utilize data in a more productive way.


From the ongoing dialogue of social media to the attitudes of your employees and stakeholders, the flow of communications data can be as functional as the dashboard in your car. This continual flow not only provides the indicators of your success, it also informs and validates your actions going forward.

By following these three principles, you can build a data-driven culture in your communications strategy.

  1. Identify your success metrics.

What issues are most critical to your business? For example, you may need to build consumer awareness of your product. Identify a specific indicator that you can use as a performance metric, such as inbound customer service calls. Establish your benchmark and set the criteria for success in reaching short- and long-term goals.

  1. Use the right tools.

Select the most relevant tools in your data measurement. Tools such as surveys, social media monitoring, news clips and web analytics are at our fingertips. You may already have these in place, but the data might not be integrated in the process. The way to ensure effective data management is to continually engage your employees. By seeing how the data is tracked and reported, they will understand their key roles in capturing critical information with accuracy and consistency.

  1. Turn insights into action.

With the right tools in place, you now have insights that help you create messages that resonate more with your audience. Data interpretation enables you to broaden your scope of information. You discover the voices of those who interact with your product and employees and ultimately, you empower them to be agents for your communications strategy. Thanks to good data gathering, you have the right direction to do your real work.

Are you happy with the way you currently evaluate your data?


Use the following scale:  0 – not so much; 1 – a little; 2 – somewhat; 3 – completely.

If your answer falls below three, contact the PR pros at Axia Public Relations to fine tune your strategy. Axia’s PR PRroof measurement service incorporates measurement into your planning process, delivering smarter, more focused and more effective strategies that align with your business goals. Axia also offers a e-book that can help maximize your PR investment. Download it today to get started using PR to increase your profits.

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DSC_0810_edited-82pct-1.jpgPaul R. Witkowski, MPA, is a communications professional acclaimed for delivering innovative and cost-effective results. With more than 20 years in the non-profit sector, he is well-versed at developing effective relationships with partners and communities. Connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.




Featured image credit: 123rf.com

Topics: public relations, measurement

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